Sunday, April 14, 2024

How Governor Oyebanji’s People- Centered Development Agenda Is Impacting lives.

How Governor Oyebanji’s People- Centered Development Agenda Is Impacting lives.
...Ekiti State Governor's achievements in developing the State towards shared prosperity.
By Olu- Ajayi Maxwell


Oyebanji in no time demonstrated competence and generosity of the heart in his interventions in the lives of Ekiti residents in terms of personal comfort and collective enjoyment of his campaign promises.

Ekiti State, located in southwestern Nigeria, has experienced a period of growth and development under the leadership of His Excellency , Mr Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji. 
The Governor's tenure has been marked by a series of initiatives and accomplishments aimed at fostering shared prosperity for the residents of the state through the compass of his vision and mission. Hence, the need to hammer the talks and works of Governor Oyebanji who has barely spend two years in office to the naysayers.

Here, we highlight some of the Governor's key indicator performance in various key sectors that are driving Ekiti State towards a more prosperous and inclusive future.

1. Economic Empowerment Initiatives: The Governor has implemented programs aimed at supporting local entrepreneurs and small businesses. Through the provision of loans, grants, and training opportunities, these initiatives have enabled residents to establish and expand their businesses, thereby boosting economic activity in the state. Patronizing Ekiti Motor Dealers, Contractors and many others. We are now in the era of spending Ekiti money in Ekiti State.Oyebanji injects N1billion facility to strengthen cooperative societies in the state for better operations and radical economic growth. EKSG MSME transformative program, EKSG supports for farmers and Agro processors in the production and processing of Palm Oil among others.

 We can talk more on his lifting of 48 indigent citizens of the state with cash and material support to the tune of N20 million in 2023, relief programmes, totalling N12 billion, to alleviate the hardship being experienced by residents in the face of the current economic downturn in February 2024. Oyebanji also approved the payment of N5,000 as a conditional cash transfer to 10,000 households from August till December 2023 especially to the Aged, Implementation of consequential adjustment for workers on GL. 14 to GL. 17 for State and Local Government workers, Implementation of financial benefits of 2020 and 2021 promotions for State and Local Government workers, the prompt payment of pensions arrears and his consistency in payment of pensions as well as gratuities. Oyebanji gave bursary awards to 167 Ekiti indigenes in the Nigerian Law School and paid N117,000,000.00 to 1,950 beneficiaries under the Ekiti State Social Transfer Component of Ekiti State Cash Transfer Unit (SCTU), including payment of N96,000,000.00 to 600 beneficiaries under Ekiti State Livelihood Grant Component of Ekiti State Cash Transfer Unit (SCTU).

2. Agricultural Development: Agriculture is a major economic sector in Ekiti State, and the Governor has prioritized its development since he assumed office. By promoting modern farming techniques, providing access to improved seeds and fertilizers, and facilitating market access.The distribution of inputs to farmers as well as financial support to small businesses and our informal sector.
The governor has helped enhance productivity and increase income for farmers through several interventions both from the international market, Federal Government initiatives and State contributions. 

In his Ekiti State Rural Access and Agricultural Marketing Project (RAAMP),  the engineering designs for 12 roads totalling 77km roads had been received and all hands are on deck.

Oyebanji also provided 50 percent subsidy on seeds to rice, maize, cassava, cocoa and cashew farmers, while also distributing farm inputs to 2,279 farmers and supporting 1,566 farmers with both production assets and small-scale processing equipment, including provision of 25 percent subsidy on tractorization to farmers and funding for Livestock Productivity and Resilience and Support (L-PRES) to counterparts.

Other agricultural production initiatives include establishment of a two-hectare model polyclonal cashew farm/scion garden and overhauling of the poultry pens at Livestock Development Centre (LCD).

The government also partnered with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Pro-CASHEW programme to establish the first government-owned scion garden and polyclonal cashew demonstration farm in Nigeria, among several other agricultural production initiatives for socio-economic development of the state.

 The state has embarked on livestock production and mechanized farming to achieve food self-reliance, create wealth, and reduce dependency on imported goods in the state.

3. Education Improvements: The Governor has worked to improve the quality of education in the state by investing in infrastructure, training teachers, and providing students with access to necessary learning materials. Such as, 
Massive renovation of classrooms and laboratories across the 203 secondary schools in the state, the provision of free shuttle buses for workers, Increases Subvention to Ekiti State Owned Higher Institutions, the release of N200 million to be disburse as car and housing loans to primary school teachers in the state,  provides students/ workers shuttle bus to ease transportation among others.Oyebanji government paid over N300 million for the 2023 WAEC examination fees for students and N600 million counterpart fund to SUBEB for local contractors to be paid in the state and recruited 1,000 teachers into the system among others, ongoing construction of model schools in Ikere and Ikole local governments. 

These efforts have resulted in better educational outcomes and prepared students for future opportunities.

4. Healthcare Advancements: The governor has focused on upgrading healthcare facilities and services across the state. By increasing access to quality healthcare and medical resources, the state has seen improvements in health outcomes and quality of life for residents. The Governor has Implemented  90% CONHESS and 100% Hazard Allowance for health workers at the Local Governments, Implementation of salary parity for clinical staff of the Hospitals’ Management Board, recruited  Medical Officers for State General, Specialist Hospitals, installed  medical equipment in the 13 secondary health facilities across the state and expanded ‘Ulera Wa’ Health Insurance Intervention from five local governments to 10 local governments for 50,000 beneficiaries.

He also established 17 Emergency Operations Centres (EOCs) across the local governments to improve discovery and response to health emergencies and established two Cholera Reference Laboratories at EKSUTH,  Ado-Ekiti, and State Specialist Hospital, Ikole.

Ekiti First Lady, Her Excellency, Dr Olayemi Oyebanji Offset an outstanding Medical Bills Of 27 Stranded Patients In Ekiti  totaling N3millon.

Also, about five thousand women  benefited from the free screening and treatment, courtesy of the Ekiti State Government in partnership with WHO and Clinton Health Access Initiative

5. Infrastructure Development: Infrastructure projects such as road construction, water supply improvements, and electrification have been undertaken to enhance connectivity and provide essential services to residents. Such as, power supply initiative, Oyebanji facilitated the installation of a 3.5MW Independent Power Plant to boost power generation. He posted good records in the  construction and rehabilitation of roads, such as, Ado/Ilawe Road, Idofin/Odo Ado Road, Okeila/ Okeyinmi Road, Agric Olope/Matthew/ Odo Ado Road, Okebola/Baptist Road, Omisanjana/Sije/Ajebamdele Road, NTA /GRA 3rd Extension road, asphalt overlay of the entire Ado township roads,  among others, including installation of streetlights in major parts of Ado to reduce crimes.

He also rehabilitated electricity projects and connected Ayekire/Gbonyin and Ekiti East local governments that have been in darkness for over 10 years to the national grid.

He rehabilitated 43.4km farm roads in six local governments while also dredging all flood-prone areas, including de-siltation of waterways across the state capital 

These developments and many more  have facilitated commerce and improved the standard of living.

6. Youth and Women Empowerment: The Governor has implemented programs to empower youth and women, providing them with vocational training, skills development, and entrepreneurship opportunities. Such as,a total of 50 youths had been engaged basically in horticulture,  Oyebanji renovates Livestock Center that serves as a nexus where Youths are consistently empowered at Erifun. Youths in poultry farming are given comprehensive training and equipped to establish themselves in the field and other fields in Agribusiness The unveiling and training of Unemployed youths and women on Adire Ekiti. 200 beneficiaries from Ekiti Central Senatorial District were trained and sponsored by Governor Oyebanji and his wife in collaboration with the Nike Okundaye Art Foundation. The beneficiaries were given  start - up kits among others

Additionally, two batches of 200 participants each from Ekiti North and Ekiti South senatorial districts are scheduled to begin training soon.This would benefit the state in the areas of provision of sustainable livelihoods, promotion of entrepreneurship, creation of opportunities for economic empowerment and preservation of cultural heritage in the Land of Honour. 

Governor Oyebanji launched a four-day training and empowerment program for Ekiti youth in agribusiness in partnership between the government and YSJ Limited, aims to tackle youth unemployment by promoting agribusiness.

This wasn't also left behind as Governor Oyebanji’s wife,  Dr Olayemi Oyebanji   empowered 25,000 widows in her pet project, Widows and Orphans Hope (WAOH). This is an initiative born out of compassion to ameliorate the suffering of widows and empower them for self-fulfillment and to contribute positively to the economy at the grassroots.
This focus on inclusive growth ensures that all segments of society benefit from economic progress.

7. Good Governance and Transparency:The governor has emphasized transparency and accountability in governance, promoting openness in government dealings and making efforts to combat corruption. This approach has fostered trust and confidence among the populace.

8. Security and Safety Measures: Enhancing security across the state has been a priority for the governor. By collaborating with security agencies and community leaders, crime rates have been reduced, creating a safer environment for residents and businesses.The Governor who exchanged ideas with the military top hierarchy, pushed for the deployment of more military personnel to the state to burst criminal hideouts, as well as provision of a Forward Operating Base to strengthen the security architecture of the state. He has provided the following since inception in office for the smooth running of all security architectures; donation including ten units of patrol vehicles, two Armoured Personnel Carriers, 50 units of Helmet level 3a, 50 bullet proof vests level 4, 80 pairs of tactical boots, and 80 pieces of batons.Recently, Governor Oyebanji took delivery of 30 Toyota Tacoma Pick up Vans supplied by motor dealers based in the state to strengthen the operations of the Western Nigeria Security Network codenamed “Amotekun Corps” and checkmate unscrupulous elements trying to make the state unsafe.

These achievements demonstrate the Governor's commitment to driving shared prosperity in Ekiti State. By focusing on key areas such as economic empowerment, education, healthcare, and infrastructure, the governor is building a strong foundation for sustainable growth and development. The continued success of these initiatives will lead to a more inclusive and prosperous future for all residents of Ekiti State.

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