Monday, August 28, 2023

A Call for Support: Aaye's Quest for Local Government Chairman.

A Call for Support: Aaye's Quest for Local Government Chairman.
Dear Respected Citizens of Aaye Street,

I extend my warm greetings to each and every one of you. As you are well aware, I am currently in the race for the esteemed position of Chairman in our local government. I take this moment to humbly implore all of you to provide me with your unwavering moral and spiritual support for this endeavor.

Reflecting on the political landscape of Igede, it is evident that an individual from Aaye has not yet had the privilege to hold the prestigious position of Chairman. This fact, unfortunately, has led to the perception that our children lack the capability to excel in such roles. Aaye has been consistently overlooked for executive appointments in the past.

Looking back, we have witnessed three individuals from Ilogbo, the incumbent (Ogundana,) Liberty,  with Osajuyigbe as VC had occupied the position. 
Awolokun, from Ilamoye, came as caretaker.
Followed by Daplag and Toba Adaramola from Odo Uri.
This raises the question: Why has Aaye, as the symbolic heart of Igede, not been given the chance to lead the local government?

It is time to make a collective decision that heralds a new beginning. Let us rally together and harness the strength of our children, both at home and abroad, to support my aspiration.

My vision for Aaye Street and the entire local government is to embark on many developmental projects that will uplift our community and its infrastructure:

The first project on my agenda will be the development of the road from Aaye/Igedora to Ujala farmland.

Addressing the concerns of the community, I pledge to prioritize Construction of Ona Oko Irona to Okoro road.

The Alayun Road leading to Idi Iroko will receive due attention under my leadership.

Recognizing the importance of skills, I am committed to establishing a skill acquisition center in Aaye, focusing on nurturing artisans for international technology transfer.

I intend to upgrade our Oja Oba to a shopping complex akin to the one in Ado.

Ensuring education for all, I will champion Compulsory Free Education for fatherless children.

Upholding the values of compassion and solidarity, my administration will provide a monthly welfare dividend to support the vulnerable and elderly members of our community.

It's also important to note that my commitment extends beyond Aaye; I am dedicated to addressing the needs of every corner of Igede.

Let us join hands in making this vision a reality. Together, we can rewrite the history of Aaye in the local government and create a legacy of progress and empowerment. Your support will be invaluable in achieving these goals.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Warm regards,
Hon. Wale Alade-Oba

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