Tuesday, June 13, 2023


The Government of Ekiti State has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UN Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) in Nairobi, Kenya. Ekiti State was represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Dr. Habibat Adubiaro, Honourable Commissioner for Finance and Economic Development, Mr. Akin Oyebode  and Director-General, Ekiti State Development and Investment Promotion Agency (EKDIPA), Mr. Ayo Aribidara. 

The Secretary to the Ekiti State Government, Dr. Habibat Adubiaro signed the document on behalf of Ekiti State and it was counter-signed by Mr Sylla Oumar, the Director of the UN-Habitat African Regional Office.

The main objective of the MoU is to foster collaboration in the implementation of activities geared towards regional spatial planning, preparation of urban development plans and urban renewal for Ekiti State. 

It is expected that this significant collaboration will strengthen institutional capacities of key actors in local participatory physical planning to manage urban development and also enhance access to serviced land to facilitate sustainable development in the State.

The Biodun Oyebanji administration is committed to the socio- economic development of the state and will continue to partner with relevant institutions, development agencies and private entities in the quest to advance the state economy, create more opportunities for the citizens in line with its shared prosperity agenda.

Yinka Oyebode 
Special Adviser ( Media) to the Governor 
13-06- 2023

Monday, June 12, 2023

Cook-a-thon: Ekiti Lawmaker, Odebunmi Idowu Backs Chef Dammy, Drums Support For Her 120 hours cook.

Cook-a-thon: Ekiti Lawmaker, Odebunmi Idowu Backs Chef Dammy, Drums Support For Her 120 hours cook.
....Donates Food Items.

Earlier on Monday, Hon. Comrade Idowu Odebunmi, representing Oye Constituency II at the Ekiti State House of Assembly, has made a courtesy visits to Chef Dammy’s a young talented determined Ekiti undergraduate in the State.

Chef Dammy, who is currently on 120 hours cooking marathon to break the Guinness World record for the longest cooking marathon.

According to report, Dammy was challenging the current Guinness World Record set by Hilda an Akwa Ibom Indigene earlier this year, who made a global recognition in the craft, cooking for 100 hours in a stretch.

Hon. Odebunmi able represented by Comrade Ojo Oluwaseun Pius, during the visit, donated food items to her. Items include; Rice, Tubers of yam, Tomatoes, Noddles, Custard, Groundnuts oil, Semovita, among others.

He urged youths across the country, who had been cheering her on social media, not to relent in sending their wishes, stressing that the global record would be their collective win.

"She was personally touched and impressed that young Damilola braced up, despite all odds, to use her God-given talent to make a statement.

"Her dedication, passion for cooking as well as her desire to put our rich culture on the map by not only exhibiting our food but also the resilience, determination, energy and team spirit," Odebunmi said.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Restructuring Local Government Administration, The Pathway to Returning Power to the People.

Restructuring Local Government Administration, The Pathway to Returning Power to the People.
In our open letter as distinguished members of Omoluabi Team Alliance Socio- cultural and Political Group to the new President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the person of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu(GCFR), we deemed it fit as concerned Nigerians to mention in our open letter core action points that bothers on economy, security, education, agriculture, power,youths and unemployment which must be given unadulterated attention by Mr.President if a new Nigeria of our dream we yearn for is anything to achieve so soon.  Paramount to mention of all these action points outlined for PBAT is the need to immediately think of how to return power back to the Local Government traditionally known as local council areas. Where is the place of sense of belonging reserved exclusively for the masses when the local government administration have been eroded completely with only carcasses or a shadow of itself being paraded across the 774 local government areas. 

One ned to say that the Nigerian Governors Forum has done more damage to this third tier of government that we all grew up to know as the closest level of governance to the average man on the street of Imbise in the present day Imo State who has never been to Abuja or Lagos since his or her birth to old age. Government as an agent and organ that provides leadership to the people gave birth to democracy as a system of government defined as government of the people, by the people and for the people. It technically implied that government belongs to the people while the people should also participate in governance at all levels. Then why deny the people access to the closest level of government to them? Why kill this tier of government that is expected to be the channel through which all the dividends of democracy are brought to the doorsteps of the people? There a whole lot of programmes and benefits the local government areas can be empowered to deliver at the doorstep of our people among which include, employment and thorough engagement of youths, giving social services benefits to the aged ones in the community, neighborhood security, building and maintenance of schools, implementation of community and neighborhood projects, management and maintenance of all government properties available within their domains, provide and maintain transportation systems within their domains, care for traditional rulers and chiefs on their domains,provide and maintain all water facilities in their domain, provide bursaries and scholarships to students and pupils in theje domain, organise sports and other field events within their domain to arrest youth unrest and idleness, empowerment for women of all ages and categories, youths empowerment, tutorial and coaching classes for school children and students alike, recruitment of teachers, provision of neighborhood clinics and basic health centers, environmental vanguards and many more that will benefit the people in all circumspects.

Th Governors in all the 36 states have left the local governments in their various states to become full shadow of themselves, dormant, docile,moribond and absolutely dead in most cases but merely exist on papers. Councilors who represents their wards and units from where senators, rep members, governors and presidents garner their votes and mandates have been rendered worthless and lost political recognitions at the grassroot. Local Government Chairmen and Chairpersons have become houseboys to governors in their various states which contradicts the constitutional power that we grew up to know these LGA bosses had even during the military era. 

The questions are,
 why was the constitution subverted and not allowed to exercise its' full powers in the case of LGAs' having its full recognition as a third tier of government? 

Is there any suspicion of rivalry between LGA bosses and their States Executive Governors?  I thought the constitution is clear about this separation of powers and constitutional duties?
Do we continue to erode the powers of the LGAs' at the expense of delivering to its' fullest the dividends of democracy to the people?

The time is now to reposition, restructure, restore and reinstate the powers of our local government areas back to this third and very important tier of government. Even in the western world, districts, counties are well structured to carry out the functions of government or serve as the channel through which the dividends of democracy are delivered to the grassroot.  What is then the case with our own country where we resolved to have adopted a democratic system of government that is all inclusive. 
The clarion call and advise to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is to yield to the voices of the people and grant local government autonomy at all cost. It can be signed as an executive order to further remove all possible blockages and hinderances to this seeing light of the day. As a pure democrat and a man who believes in a functional local government areas which was the case of your unforgettable achievement in Lagos State where you governed between 1999 to 2007. You resisted stiff oppositions from the Federal Government under Olusegun Obasanjo by creating LCDAs' so as to further bring government closest to the people. Today we talk about this and a significant plus to you as a pure democrat.

Mr. President should  please break boundaries and make what seems impossible to your predecessors possible. Help us restructure, reposition and reinstate the powers and constitutional rights, responsibilities and duties of the local government areas and even create more across the six geopolitical zones. Restructuring is key and absolutely achievable. 
To achieve this feat:

1.Hold meetings with the various state governors' with the mandate to revisit local government administration through the various States Houses of Assemblies within the next six months.

2.Terms of References be given through your office, the Presidency  to the various State Governments to implement through their various Houses of Assemblies.

3. Their must be conditions, qualifications and qualities that must be clearly stated out to further raise the standards and bar for aspiring Executive Local Government  Chairmen and Councilors. 

4. Reports be submitted across the various states Houses of Assemblies and submitted for deliberation by the bench of House of Assembly Speaker forum which should be endorsed by a 2/3 of members of the  speakers forum.

5. A unanimous single report be transmitted to the Senate for deliberation but must get 2/3 approval of members of Senate.

6. This should finally be prepared as a document endorsed and transmitted to the president for approvals.

7. It becomes a law. Local Government Areas then get full constitutional backing while INEC be allowed to conduct elections for Local Government Chairmanship positions directly without any interference from State Governors.

8. If rejected or delayed through a strict follow up of these procedures by Houses of Assemblies, State Governors and Senate, then set up a special committee with representatives from each states, traditional rulers inclusive as they should be carried along being stakeholders in their various domains. It is my candid opinion that you give the reports of the special committee set up an executive order 

Power to the people should be a priority.

 E- signed:
National Convener Omoluabi Team Alliance Socio-cultural and Political Group.
Sunday 11th June 2023

Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi: Celebrating an Irrepressible Amazon at 60.

Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi: Celebrating an Irrepressible Amazon at 60.
By: Alhaji Dauda Lawal (ADL)
Erelu Bisi Fayemi has been a mother hen to many, either by way of role modeling or by impacting positively on whoever crosses her path – male and female, adult and young alike. 

Erelu's descriptive "wrapper," was a symbol of warmth and protection. She has been a mother-figure who would always bring unending succour to the downtrodden and less-privileged in the society to create a balanced and egalitarian hemisphere. 

More often than not, many essays on Erelu Bisi Fayemi, had periscoped more of her superlative gender activism, with cursory look paid to her humanitarian activism, which goes beyond the shores of Africa. Gender mainstreaming, has been an important area that earned her an unrivaled reputation in Nigeria and unfettered opportunity to having practical transformative touches on people's lives.

While her enviable records in gender activism remains copious, I earnestly believe it bellies the magnitude of her totality as a woman who is committed to the emancipation of the downtrodden. This area of her illustrious life has caught my attention as the world of people around her gathered to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee.

Nothing has further made this reinforcement more incumbent now than ever than remembering her heroic role during the COVID -19 pandemic. Her pre-existing data intervention in the lives of the vulnerable became handy in the careful management of the palliative distribution to the vulnerable through the artery of her superlative system already established for catering for the economically disadvantaged long before the outbreak of the pandemic. 

Erelu's incredible sense of empathy is second to none. She can just not say no to the needy! She would go extra-mile to ensure that the nakedness of the needy is covered with her wrapper. 

It is said that the blood of kindness runs in her veins. Erelu Bisi Fayemi is a best example of motherhood who has, and continued to intervene in many instances, pay the cost of baby delivery for many families who could not settle their hospital bills after delivery. This was apart from picking other hospital bills of other patients males and females who might have been detained by the hospitals. This was one major assignments I did play for her as an aide to her husband. There are tens of hundreds who have got their medical bills settled after being detained in hospitals for inability to pay up after hospitalization.
 Another strategic and monumental area of her intervention project was her special care for the aged and abandoned women. One iconic example of her gesture in this regard was the case of the late Mama Princess Jolaade Oso of Ikere-Ekiti, an old woman and Princess who unfortunately had lost all her offsprings because she had lived longer than 100 years. The centenarian had no one catering for her until she was scouted by Erelu's team that looked out for the vulnerables and the aged, found her in her squalor. Erelu not only took up her care wholesomely, she went ahead to adopt her as a mother. In her last days, Mama Jolaade Oso got the best of care from Erelu, who posed for as a truly loving daughter. And when she joined her ancestors, she was celebrated in an elaborate funeral synonymous with those of royal provenance. Erelu ensured that though the woman had no surviving children of her own, but she was able to fill that vacuum even beyond measurable level. 

Erelu’s immeasurable 'wrapper’ has in the same way been extended to numerous women who got empowered through her philanthropic gestures. She regularly picks the school bills of orphans who find it herculean to see their education through the tertiary level. Only someone who has little hope would truly appreciate finding help where none was expected or find hope where hope seems elusive. 

The legendary Erelu Bisi Fayemi is a river of kindness whose fountain rises without limit. Her humility and love towards people is second to none and this is more evident by the ways she demonstrated this through her courage, friendliness, passion, humility, and her feminist devotion to the elevation of the women folk. It is important to state here that Erelu Bisi Fayemi’s life and impacts bear true evidence that true feminism is not hatred towards men. 

It is on this note and with pride that I present, yet, another salacious tribute and homage to a beautiful soul who is roundly grounded and irrevocably committed to the uplifting of the disadvantaged. 

It will not be far-fetched therefore to refer to Erelu Bisi Fayemi as a living-goddess robed in human skin. Combined with her gigantic heart, it is without a doubt that she is a mother worth celebrating.

 As she celebrates her Diamond Jubilee, all I can say is, Erelu, we are lucky to know and have you. Happy 60th Birthday to our own Mother Theresa.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Capt. Adebomi Supports 17 Ekiti Youths In Securing US Green Cards, Others.

Capt. Adebomi Supports 17 Ekiti Youths In Securing US Green Cards, Others.

Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), in Ekiti State, Captain Sunday Adebomi (retd) has supported no fewer than seventeen youths in Ekiti State to be enlisted in the Nigerian Army and securing Permanent Residence or Green Card Visa to American.

Adebomi, former governorship aspirant, in a release  made available to journalists  in Ise-Ekiti said the interventions were his own way of empowering the youths.

The retired Captain in the United States of America Military disclosed that, eleven of the youths were  assisted to secure American Green cards while another six were recruited into the Nigerian  Army.

He said, “I am happy to inform you that God used me to assist a number of youths in Ekiti. The first set of youths were those who secured the American Green Cards/Immigrant Visas through me, eleven in number and six who were recruited into the Nigerian Army.

“This is my own little efforts to support the youths. And I hope this would  have  multiplier effects in the long run. No amount of financial assistance can equal the opportunities offered these youths.

“I have tried in my own little way to support many youths  while I was in government and outside government. I will continue to do so anywhere I find myself. As we all know that the greatest challenge facing us as a country is youth unemployment. No government can fight insecurity successfully without addressing the menace of youths unemployment, Adebomi said."

Friday, June 9, 2023

Oyebanji, hosts Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, Hidayet Bayraktar.

Oyebanji, hosts Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, Hidayet Bayraktar.
....Discuss Business Partnerships To Improved the state.
I had the privilege of welcoming the Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, H.E. Hidayet Bayraktar and his team to the Governor's office, Ado Ekiti. We had a strategic engagement revolving around establishing partnerships and attracting investment to our dear State.

I highlighted the fact that Ekiti State is a homogeneous State, which presents unique advantages for potential investors, noting the presence of key institutions such as the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment and the Ekiti State Development and Investment Promotion Agency (EKDIPA) that play crucial roles in promoting investment and facilitating business growth in our State.

I believe that by showcasing the potential of our State and highlighting the various initiatives in place, we can encourage more businesses to consider investing in Ekiti State.

We look forward to fostering strong relationships with Turkish businesses and exploring new opportunities together.

Governor Biodun Oyebanji signs five laws.

Governor Biodun Oyebanji signs five laws.
....restates his administration’s commitment to promoting good governance.
In line with the administration’s Governance agenda, the Governor of Ekiti State, Mr Biodun Oyebanji has signed five new laws, following their passage by the state House of Assembly. 

The signing of the new laws came barely five days after the Governor signed three laws at a brief ceremony on the last day of the sixth Assembly. 

The newly signed laws are: 
(1), Ekiti State local Government staff loans board law, 2023

(2), Ekiti State Fire Service Law. 2023.

(3), Ekiti State Wealth and Fund Law, 2023. 

(4), Ekiti State Local Government Administration Law, 2023. 

(5), Yoruba language preservation and promotion law 2023. 

Governor Oyebanji restates his administration’s commitment to promoting good governance through relevant legislations and policies that have direct impact on the people.

 Olayinka Oyebode 
Special Adviser (Media) to the Governor.