Sunday, March 31, 2024

Afuye, a paperweight politician in desperate search of cheap popularity.

Afuye, a paperweight politician in desperate search of cheap popularity.

Recently, some notable political WhatsApp groups in Ekiti have been abuzz with the personality and activities of the deputy governorship candidate of ADP in the 2022 governorship election, Mr. Idowu Sunday Afuye.

Afuye who has suddenly turned emergency town-crier and unsolicited auditor is daily dishing out demonic lies against the administration of Governor Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji. To those who have discerning mind, Afuye's latest vituperation is borne out of the desire for recognition and patronage, a wish he's not going to get via the blackmail trip he recently embarked upon.

Afuye resigned from the state civil service prior to the 2022 governorship election and since then cannot be linked to a profession or source of income other than political scavenging.

It is a known fact that Afuye suffers acute Mytho-mania (a psychological problem in which people feel the need to lie) and if not properly checked may lead to psychosis.

This morning, Ekiti woke up to series of diabolical lies of Afuye as he shamelessly alleged that the state gets ₦10B monthly allocation from the federal government. He also alleged that the Deputy Governor's security vote was used to clear Civil Servants' arrears of salaries. Another of his lies is that the SSG to the State government, Alhaja Adubiaro has been sidelined in the BAO administration. What a concoction!

Ordinarily, one wouldn't have deemed it necessary to react to a man suffering from mythomania but for the fact that a lie when heard repeatedly over the time begin to wear the toga of truth.

Setting the record straight, it is a known fact that Ekiti monthly allocation since subsidy removal range between 4 and 6.5 Billion Naira. So, coming out to lie brazenly that Ekiti gets ₦10Billion is nothing but a deliberate attempt to distort the facts to gain cheap popularity.

To think that the Deputy Governor's Security vote which is around twenty million will offset the billions of Naira arrears of state civil servants is a joke taken too far. How is this even possible? A good liar should be able to work out his/her homework properly before dishing them out, but in the case of a shameless lair like Afuye, whose acute lying disorder is gradually turning to insanity, he won't care to tidy up his falsehoods before spreading them.

Afuye can be excused, because of his mental condition, he's a man without substance, his case is so pathetic that what he needs the most now is our collective prayers and proper psycho evaluation, and those sharing his puerile statements should know that they are not in anyway better than the man they are sharing his baseless accusation.

Instead of coming to WhatsApp groups asking for transparency and accountability, Afuye should make use of the Freedom of Information Act and apply to relevant agencies and MDAs for information and clarity on any of the government businesses. 

Governor Biodun Abayomi is focused and he's delivering on his 6-point agenda. He won't be distracted by an individual who is daily begging for money to survive. An individual whose debt in one popular beer parlor along Nova Junction remains a police issue.

Aree Hon. Adebusuyi EBENEZER

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