Tuesday, May 17, 2022


ADP Chairman dumps party says National Letter suspending him has no title Idowu Afuye gatecrashes into press conference as members disown him
By: Idowu Adebomi
The chances of the Gubernitorial candidate of the Action Democratic Party in the forthcoming gubernatorial election come June 18 may have suffered a setback as the embattled chairman of the party Pastor Olakunle Emmanuel has officially dumped the party.

In a press conference held at the NUJ Secretariat Oke Bareke on may 17th 2022, the Party chairman flanked by all his state executives and members addressed members of the press on the purported suspension by the National body of the party as a fluke even as he maintained that the party National body has no property at the state level.
In his statement, Pastor Abegunde said the letter was never at any point in time directed to him as he bears Abegunde Olakunle Emmanuel and not Adekunle Abegunde as addressed in the letter.
" when I rented office at a cost of 200,000 naira for the party last year, the National Headquarters addressed me as Pastor. The invitation sent to me was verbal which I received on Sunday and as a clergy man and could not go on such journey because I had to go to church and I begged for the meeting to be rescheduled but till now I got no reply. The allegations are therefore untenable and unfounded".
Pastor Olakunle also used the medium to disown the ADP deputy governorship candidate Idowu Afuye who has since teamed up with the All progressive congress.
" It was Kemi Elebute who on Friday 13 may 2022 declared that the purported defection was fake and that Idowu Afuye has written a letter of apology to her. In that case nobody was informed if he defected or not.
" We didn't know or support Afuye as her Deputy she brought him herself and till now i as the chairman never met Afuye except once when he came to apologise for not showing up in meetings.
I pastor ( Chief) Abegunde Emmanuel Olakunle Chairman of the Action Democratic party, Ekiti state hereby declare that I drop and quit the ADP as from this hour"
Asked if he will team up with the ruling party as Afuye has done, the ex Party chairman said members and state excos will determine his next line of action.

Meanwhile, the press conference was nearly ruffled up when the defected ADP Deputy governor aspirant comrade Idowu Afuye gatecrashed into the press conference with the cap of APC on his head even though members of the ADP disowned him and said he was never invited for the press conference.

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