Saturday, March 19, 2022



It Always seems impossible until it's done. What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we live.

Be a scholar, be a Man of might, be a Man of wealth and influence, the people might decide to respect and welcome you but only men of Character and Confidence are Emulated and Respected πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

A leader who always looking for solutions to alleviate the sufferings of human beings by trying to understand their concerns and by offering help, irrespective of their ethnic, Community or Political backgrounds.

“Democracy is the ultimate, positive revolution because it gives each and every individual the power to control their lives. And we can work together to create a just, sustainable world.”

Supporting the right man with several ideologies will barely leads and create several room for huge achievement Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji, BAO, don't play a politics of bitterness, his priority is to take Youths out of the streets.

Ekiti people are Positive thinkers who want a greater future for the state, and to attain that, the only aspirant that can give Ekiti People a hope of brighter future is Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji (BAO), of APC.

Let's us all endorse and Vote Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji *(BAO)* for Quality Representative, Accountability, Transparency, Credibility, Profitability and Transformation of good Welfarism in our noble State, Ekiti State, *BAO* can do better than what we expect..

πŸ‘‰ Think BAO/MCA✔️
πŸ‘‰ BAO for Governor✔️
πŸ‘‰ MCA for Deputy Governor✔️
πŸ‘‰Vote BAO/MCA✔️
πŸ‘‰Vote APC✔️
πŸ‘‰Vote for Continuity✔️
#EkitiDecides2022; June 18th Ekiti State governorship election


Thursday, March 17, 2022


BIODUN ABAYOMI OYEBAJI, *BAO*; Continuity To Brighten The Future Of EKITI State;
Leadership is the ability to transform vision into reality without fuss. The attainment of good governance is a function of effective leadership, especially when judging in the light of Onah’s (2005) assertion that the attainment of organizational goals would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, if there were no specific individuals with the authority and responsibility to plan, organize, coordinate, lead and control activities. Ademolekun (1986) leadership as an interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed through communication process toward the attainment of desired goals, we therefore assert that effective leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically and efficiently. While the debate on whether leaders are made or born persists, true leaders ignore such arguments and concentrate on developing the leadership qualities necessary for success; Qualities as adopted from Kouzes and Posner (n.d) honesty; forward-looking; competence; inspiring; and intelligence.Thus, one’s ability to exhibit these five leadership qualities is strongly correlated with people’s desire to follow one’s lead, as exhibiting these traits will inspire confidence in one’s leadership, and not exhibiting these traits or exhibiting the opposite will decrease one’s leadership influence with those around you.

Therefore, the need for good leadership becomes unequivocal. To represent a politically and educative sensitive people of our noble State, Ekiti State, it's beyond lies and deciets but a geniue and sincere commitment towards serving the good people of Ekiti State. It requires someone with a proven quality to perform with a good background information and understanding of the area and its people, in view of this, Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji *BAO* is not about glorious crowning acts. He make people focused on a goal and motivated to do their best to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really matter. He set the groundwork for others’ success, and then standing back and letting them shine.

Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji *BAO*, is a man who create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. He is a man who cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.

However, the unprecedented achievement of Biodun Ayobami Oyebanji, *BAO* can be described as leadership with focus and intellectual prowess to project the image of Ekiti State and Nigeria as a whole.

As Ekiti 2022 Gubernitorial Election approaches, it is of high importance and of necessity for us to think deep into the future of Ekiti State. As we know that elections belong to the people, the people are the one to decide who they want to lead them, as the Governor. Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji, *BAO* is a patriot, who is committed to strive for a more perfect union, he understand that he cannot accomplish much by himself but rather prioritize INCLUSIVENESS both the YOUTH'S and ADULT'S INCLUSIVENESS. I doff my hat to this humble, calm, reliable and ever dependable leader.

Ekiti kΓ©tΓ© πŸ‘ͺ comes JUNE 18 2022 Let's rally round for a good aspirant by voting πŸ—³
*Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji *BAO* as the next GOVERNOR of EkitiState Otisese ooo* With your support Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji *BAO* is more than very ready to move Ekiti State to a higher level than it was.



Sunday, February 27, 2022


Strike: Why we’re shutting down universities — SSANU
February 28,  2022
—Says U3PS to replace IPPIS ready for presentation
THE Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities, SSANU, weekend said that it will soon shut down universities as a result of the inability of the federal government to honour the Memorandum of Action, MoA, it signed with the union.

SSANU said it has been reluctant to resume its suspended strike because of its effect on students, university education and the parents, regretting that the federal government was forcing the union to down tools.
This is as the universities non-teaching staff have said that they are ready to present to the federal government the Universities Peculiar Personnel Payroll System, U3PS, which is expected to replace the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System, IPPIS.

The National President of SSANU, Comrade Mohammed Ibrahim told journalists in Abuja that the U3PS was designed by professionals and that it captures all the peculiarities including payment for sabbatical, visiting lecturers etc.
Comrade Ibrahim said that the inconsistencies of the IPPIS which he claimed have caused untold hardship were still faced by non-teaching staff.

According to him, “It was agreed that the 2009 Agreement should be reviewed every three years but 12 years after, not even 50 percent was implemented. Part of the areas we have agreed for review is the Responsibility Allowances for heads of departments, Hazard Allowances, Call/Shift Duty Allowances for Nurses, Doctors, Engineers etc and Overtime Allowances. They should invite us immediately for the renegotiation.

He further said that another contentious issue is the renegotiation of the 2009 Agreement with the federal government that was long overdue was.

“Another of our major concern is the payment of the minimum wage arrears. They told us that they have budgeted for it and that we should submit the necessary requirements which we complied with but yet, nothing has been done.

“We (leadership of SSANU and the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions) are going to meet in a few days to take our position. We have been reluctant to shut down the universities because of their effect on the education system, students and parents but it appears that our peaceful disposition to resolve issues amicably is being taken for granted by the government.

“Remember it is just a resumption, we only suspended the strike to allow the government to implement the Memorandum of Action and we can resume anytime.

“Our members are facing hardships. The inconsistencies of the IPPIS are still there, cooperative deductions and check-off dues are not remitted to unions. Some of our members who are into the corporative collected loans from banks and the banks do not entertain excuses.

“Our U3PS is ready to be presented to the government. We assembled professionals, remember we make payments for staff and we should have a better understanding of how the system works. We commissioned our professionals for the U3PS to replace the IPPIS, we have captured all our peculiarities including sabbatical, visiting lecturers.”

Vanguard News Nigeria

Sunday, February 20, 2022

ICUN, Ekiti Forestry Commission moves to Save Pangolin from extinction.
Group photograph; Hon. Commissioner for environment and natural resources, Barrister Iyabo Fakunle, left beside the Oluyin and others dignitaries at the occasion 

On the need to prevent the extinction of the scaly mammal better known as ant eater or ''Akika'' in Ekiti local dialect. The International conservational unit of nature (ICUN) in conjunction with Ekiti State Forestry Commission has launched the first world "Pangolin" day.  The program which took place on 19th February 2022 in Iyin Ekiti and to be celebrated every 3rd Saturday of the month of February every year.
The Hon. Commissioner for environment and natural resources, Barrister Iyabo Fakunle, In her speech admonished the people of Ekiti to cultivate the habit of preserving forest and wildlife most especially the endangered Pangolins. She declared that the Pangolin is considered as the guardian of forests as it protect trees by eating ants and termites which are harmful to the trees.

She therefore called on the general public to desist from killing or eating the animal which she said might soon go into extinction if concrete steps are not taken to protect the it.

The Executive secretary forestry commission Mr Famuagun in his goodwill message also decried the way the Pangolins are being hunted for food and money. He maintained that the Pangolin which he considered friendly to the environment should rather be protected as it is in high demand in Asian and other foreign countries for its sweet meat and scales which is being used for medicinal purposes according to him, Pangolins can not defend themselves but the people can.

Expressing his disappointment on at the rate ant eater is fast disappearing from the face of the earth, the Technical Adviser to Ekiti state Governor, Dr. Olly Owen who disclosed that he has lived in Nigeria for 20 years explained the characteristics and advantages of having the Pangolin in our forests. He considered the Pangolin as an endangered specie and lamented the reckless manner in which Asians and other European countries consume the animal. He therefore, appealed to the government and the general public to safe guard the forest so as to maintain the balance of the Ecosystem.

Earlier, a lecture delivered by Dr. Victor Ayodeji Ojo, an assistant of wildlife preservation from Ibadan on the topic " Wild life and Us; A symbolic Relationship "explains the advantages of protecting our environment and forests while advocating for wild animals protection.

He highlighted some major contributions of the wildlife to the existence of humanity which includes; Nutrients , Drugs and medication sources, fewer diseases , Economic growth,job opportunities, Mental health promotion and cultural significance.

He noted that by preserving the wildlife, the human environment will be secured from extinction even as the climate change is a warning that forestry and planting of trees must be taken seriously.

The event took a colourful turn with exhibition of Drawings from students which saw , Ayeni Emmanuel of Eyemote comprehensive High school cart home the first prize while Akoko Abumereh and Jacob Victor Adedayo of Egirioke and Eyemote comprehensive high school came second and third respectively.
In the Poetry competition, Saidat Sadiq of Egirioke comprehensive high school won the English contest while Olaleye Olanike of Eyemote comprehensive high school came first in the Yoruba contest.

Presenting the prizes to the winners, Barrister Iyabo announced that the administration of Ekiti State Governor, Dr. John Kayode is on course to plant over 5000 trees across the state.
Dr. Olly Owen, who gave the representatives of the schools trees and plants to be planted in the schools said the progress will be monitored to ensure the vision of a conducive environment is achieved.

The students cultural troupe and Iyin Ekiti Cultural dancers thereafter thrilled the guests to songs and dance to the admiration of the crowd .

Dignitaries that graced the occasion are; Hon. Commissioner for environment and natural resources, Barrister Iyabo Fakunle Okieheme, Chairman Forestry commission Hon. Kayode Olaosebikan who was represented by the Technical adviser to Ekiti state Governor on forestry and climate change, Dr. Olly Owen, the Executive secretary forestry commission Mr. M.O famuagun, the Oluyin of Iyin Ekiti His Royal Majesty Oba Ademola Ajakaiye 111 and the chairman Araromi lCDA High chief Wale Alade all attended the event which also has students and teachers from the two secondary schools in the town Eyemote and Egirioke comprehensive high school, Iyin Ekiti. 

Other dignitaries present at the event are; the head of Iyin Ekiti local Hunter's, Community Chiefs, Teachers of secondary schools and market women

Thursday, February 17, 2022

I must commend Arakunrin Odunayo Oluwarotimi Akeredolu San the executive governor of Ondo State for work done so far and his continuous running of the states affairs in all ramification.

We believe you can do more as you remains the number one chief servant of the state by serving the residents both indigene and non-indigene in Ondo State. It’s imperative to say that our people are suffering and needs your swift action to alleviate poverty, criminality and others social vices in our society.

Today, we are experiencing hardship; irregularity of salaries, unaffordable tuition fees across our institutions, uncompleted roads, among others. Intransigently all this challenges contribute the most to the happenings in our environment cause;
 Unpaid salaries of workers has influenced negatively on sectors like education which has given birth to poor graduates in our society because our teachers/lecturers ain’t motivated to teach. We are famished, our parents are owe  salaries they have worked for, therefore nothing to bring food to table talk more of giving us education.

 Unaffordable tuition fees across the whole Sunshine (Ondo) State has caused more havoc than good as claimed over time in our state (IGR). Our institutions union, students association, NANS has gone on road to express our concerns towards this increment, still nothing but mere reviews were made.

 This has coerced many young adults to drop outta school and today kidnapping, theft, prostitution, and many defiant behavior has increased in our environment as implications for earlier drop outta formal education. We always remember Chief. Obafemi Jeremiah Oyeniyi Awolowo for his identified role in free education in Western  Nigerian in 1955, you all benefited from this privilege then why this forebears generation? our generation can not afford education when you have deprived us of free education. We want to learn, read, research and able to write participative articulation.

Uncompleted roads and unemployment rates in our dear state (Ondo) has remain one of the biggest facilitators of criminality in our society today.

Do more and arise our dear Ondo stakeholders and all concerned administrators of our states because we will all be remembered for our deeds wether good or otherwise.

Viva Aluta
Comr. Akinwumi O. Joel (SEUNZY)

Thursday, February 3, 2022






The NANS, NAUS, AAUA ALUMNUS, Akungba King and chief's, VC, Governor AKEREDOLU are not all blind or deaf to the accidents claiming students lives in that community!!

For crying out loud they have a fuvking King and combination of so called jeun jeun chiefs and yet could not make a stand to stop  Trailers from plying that road and wasting student's precious lives. A barricade was constructed at that particular hill going to Ikare but the Akungba and Ikare boys ably aided by their useless Elders turned it to toll gate and started collecting money to allow trailers have access to the community to the detriment of the students!!

The SU president Kolade Olumide Multiple Ogunsanmi has tried his best writing to the state government on numerous occasions but as usual the white bearded father Christmas is always as stony as ever.

Here, Sam Praise a former SU President and many other students lost their lives to a particular accident, it was a black day in Akungba and I doubt if the parents of those students will ever recover from their loses, what's more, the mother of the  siblings who died in that accident too reportedly gave up the ghost when she heard the news.

No panel was set up oo... No Alumnus or shey it's Alumni said anything!! Recently those Trailers are out on a killing spree again this week about 3 Trailer accident have been reported taking students lives again!! Yesterday 3 Trailers accident occurred.

Mr. Governor sir, being a father and the number one citizens of the state, you should have more concerns about the people dying, parents are loosing the life's of theirs kid's in a sorrowful, angony, unpleasant situation. Although, you has promised to dualized the said road which has been included and approved in the Ondo State 2022 budget, but expect quicker action to stop this evil occurrence because we don’t know what and who can be tomorrow but our land is crying.


The State government, university management and community must agree to best solution to avert this evil occurrences because dualization may be efficient and adequate but pending the time the mapping and conclusion of the project my advised;

Parking space for trailers should be created for trailers to stop and check for balances for further driving at a strategic location.

Also, the road should be close for all trailers by erecting permanent barricades at right angle (entries of Akungba Community) for preventive measures and as optional, make notification when the barricade will be open and closed for trailers e.g 11pm- 4:30am.

Proper and able-bodied security personnel should be put in place to safeguard the erected barricades to avoid the money making business called "owo tollgate" from the heartless called indigenes thugs.

We are still in pains of our hero past and we say no………

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


The stands of the university management and the community rulers is immense important to identify the role of the AAUA management as well as the community rulers in proffering solutions to accidents occurring along akungba-Ikare road. All concerns stakeholders having met with the governor of Ondo State Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu SAN and the governor reiterated the State intense to dualized the said road which has been included and approved in the Ondo State 2022 budget. 

The entire community and Students stakeholders applauded the governor for his words and humanitarian concern towards life and properties in the vicinity but expect quicker action to stop this evil occurrence because we don’t know what and who can be tomorrow but our land is crying and we don’t want to mourn again. 

The death of our fallen hero in the accident that happened on 23th Jan, 2021 is an aghast incident, may God grant our Late AAUASU PRESIDENT Comr. Adesomoju Samuel known as SAMPRAIZE and others an eternal rest in bosom of Eledumare. We are still in pains of our hero past and we say no………

Action Advised
The State government, university management and community is to agree to best solution to avert this evil occurrences because dualization may be efficient and adequate but pending the time the mapping and conclusion of the project we advised;
The road should be close for all trailers by erecting permanent barricade at right angle for preventive measures and as optional, make notification when the barricade will be open and closed for trailers e.g 10pm- 3am


To create a trailer parking space for trailers to stop and check for balances for further driving at a strategic location.

Aluta continual 
Dare to struggle 
Dare to win

Comr. Akinwumi O. Joel
Known as *SEUNZY*
Erstwhile Faculty Of Education President AUAA Chapter 
*The incumbent NANS Assistant Secretary General Ondo State Axis.*