Monday, June 13, 2022

Corruption In All Sector's; The Root Causes Of Stagnant Democracy And The JeJune State Of The Nation.

A man once said that corruption has no source and it's as old as man. Corruption is a term that has various and no general definition  corruption. We may simply define it as a form of dishonesty or criminal offence undertaken by a person or body in a position of authority or power to acquire personal gains and benefits.
For this work, we may also define corruption as the use of power by Government officials for illegitimate private gains.

It could be hypocritical and sentimental to limit the scope of this discuss to people in government and political offices. Apparently there is corruption in almost all sector and level in Nigeria.

The cause of the underdeveloped state of many sectors in the Nigeria society boils to corruption.
Just like the late Dora Akuyili(former minister in Nigeria) puts it; everything boils down to corruption and corruption is not just about giving or taking money, corruption is about not doing the right thing.

It's apt to say that many people in all sectors in Nigeria have been involved in one or two acts of corruption. Especially in the political sector, where we have too many corruption cases.
Mr Uzor Kalu was convicted for stealing 7.1billion when he was Abia state Governor. Colonel Sambo Dasuki , a former NSA was charged with missaprorpriation of $2.1b arms purchase funds in 2015.

Diezani Alison Madueke was charged with 13 counts of money laundering by the EFCC. She was alleged to have to have diverted $39.7m and #3.32b.
Maina Pension fraud of #2bn. Bukola Saraki the former Senate President was accused of false asset declaration. Femi Fani Kayode was charged with 17 count charges of money laundering. These and several other cases happened under the former President Goodluck Jonathan.

Even before the Former President Jonathan, since the inception of the republic, corruption cases have always come up in the past administrations. 
In 2015, President Muhamadu Buhari, a man who claimed to be an angel sent to fight and dash out corruption in Nigeria, won his election and till today nothing has changed about corruption. It continues in many sectors. President Muhamadu Buhari won his reelection bid and has almost used up his 8 years in power, yet corruption grows deeper in Nigeria.

One of the recent and greater corruption allegation was that of the country's accountant general, under President Muhamadu Buhari, who has been accused of diverting millions of dollars from government coffers. Ahmed Idris the Accountant general of Nigeria was recently arrested in connection with diversion of money and money laundering of 80 billion. He was also accused of owning many unknown properties apparently procured with the stolen money. It was reported that he diverted another round of billions! 

A whole accountant General who was expected to have integrity and honesty in dealing with National coffers, but reverse was the case. This is to show that the business of corruption by many corrupt minds has been thriving more than ever before in Government.

It would be partial if we only mention and accuse political(federal,state and local government) Thieves who stole national funds for the private gain. It's necessary to mention the corruption going on even in other sectors down to the general people.
From the grassroot to the top, corruption is thriving in this Nation. 
The People have always resorted to collecting bribe during election to sell out their votes in general election and even delegates election.

The recent Presidential Primary Election between the two biggest parties in Nigeria; APC&PDP were filled with vote buying where delegates shamelessly collect millions of Naira from the already shameless and corrupt candidates. And of course, the highest bidder won the election in both parties. 
Those delegates with no shame and good conscience for the future of Nigeria are the commoners! The mothers and fathers of the masses who resorted to selling the future of their children for some cash.

The worst one happen during Election where many Nigerians engaged themselves in Political bribery and corruption. They exchange their vote for peanuts money and suffer for years after electing bad leaders!

It's good to note that the length and breath of corruption defy any possible calculation or grasp. It's a National and international virus that has spread throughout its carriers who are corrupt People.
Corruption ranges from embezzlement, bribery,money laundering, extortion, human trafficking, misuse and abuse of office, tipping, lieing and so many forms it has.

There has been major cases, or traces or speculation of corruption in the Petroleum, Finance, security, oil and gas Agriculture and others.
High level of  Corruption has greatly hampered the growth of Democracy and the development in Nigeria. The Democracy which is supposed to be a government of the people, where the people decide and control by majority has been marred by selfish acts of the few people,many who have found themselves in power through dubious means and election rigging!

The minority in power resort to siphoning Public funds and starving the general masses! 
And the worst thing is that those ones embezzling Public money have turned themselves to gods that can't be questioned and are dictatorial which makes them worst than the military era that Democracy tends to wipe out.

A lot abnormalities; vote buying, violence, security men extorting money on highways, politically sponsored terrorism and sort of vices have make Nigeria remain still largely underdeveloped! 

If Nigeria must survive and develop, it's very important to put up a serious fight against corruption in all levels, sectors and from top to the grassroot in the nation.
There is a need for a good legal framework with stiff laws and harsh penalties against act of Corruption and corrupt People.
Also, there must be immediate Restructuring and Reformation of Public administration, finance and others sectors! 
It's also obvious that some Nigerian Politicians steal Public money with international aid and loot public money abroad. They keep Public money abroad and build luxuries abroad while leaving Nigeria shattered and underdeveloped.
Therefore, there is a need to stop/block international aids to corrupt People.
Transparency and honestly should be promoted and rewarded accordingly. 

In conclusion, the people must be sensitice  about the ills of corruption and the need to shun it. There must be empowerment for the citizens and benefits of Democracy should be enjoyed by them to stop corruption from grassroot to the top.


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