Sunday, August 21, 2022



Awe was founded by four maternal brothers from Ile Ife. Their first port of call was Gbagura near Eba Odan now know as Ibadan before the Egbas moved to their present location. While in Gbagura, the four brothers displayed uncommon level of gallantry and hitherto unseen dexterity in the art of war that made them an enigma before the people of Gbagura. One of such act is how they spread "parapara" mat over Ogun river for the Ibariba warriors to cross and as they got to the middle, they removed the mat making all the warriors to drown. That is why part of the Alaawe cognomen is "o fi eni parapara segun Idomi". As a result of this and so many other heroic acts, the eldest brother, Ilemolu was rewarded with the title of 'Olukotun", the second in command to the Agura, the king of Gbagura.

One thing that is common to the four brothers is that they hated injustice with passion. This was the original reason why they left Ile-Ife in the first place. An incident happened which made the three younger brothers to decide to leave Gbagura. They informed their elder brother, Ilemolu Olukotun. Together they consulted their IFA oracle and having got a direction, Ilemolu said he cannot leave his brothers and so decided to move with them despite his age and position.

By the time they founded Awe, Ilemolu was already too old to rule and so instructed his brother, Oladokun to rule. He said, Kumawoyi should be the "Basinku" and head of the Kingmakers while Mafile, the last born should rule after Oladokun. He himself choose to be their father who will prepare them for the throne.That is the reason why we have two ruling houses in Awe till date and a new Alaawe must spend seven days in ILEYE, which is the house of Ilemolu Olukotun.

Oladokun, the first ruler of Awe begat Beyioku who ruled after Mafile. Beyioku begat Fakanbi, alias Awuya fowo gbonti. The mother of Awuya is Awitan the daugther of "Olorundoro omo Alugbin" from Igbeti and the founder of Oloro compound. Olorundoro was bought to Awe to be beating "IGBIN" drum for the elders in ILEDI.

When ODI AMOLA/ODI AMONU, the new boundary between Awe and Ago Oja was constructed during the time of OYAGBEBI, the fifth ruler of Awe as a military tactical response to the activities of the invaders, it was Fakanbi who volunteered to lead the Awe Revolutionary Guard and Curtail the activities of the Sunmomis, Penlepes and the invading forces from Oyo who were trying to capture smaller towns and villages to populate Ago Oja to replace the old Oyo which was destroyed by Fulani war leading to the death of OLUEWU the last Alaafin in Oyo Ile.

Fakanbi and his team succeeded exceedingly in defending the territorial integrity of Aweland as he was reputed to have a charm that makes all invading forces, once sighted, to go astray as he and his followers are fanning their ears backward. Such invaders will find themselves close to Iwo or somewhere very far away and it becomes an arduous task finding their way back to their base. For those who succeded in entering the Odi Amola, there is a method they used in neutralizing them.

The military tactics is usually for the team to retreat and split into three units. The first two usually hide at either side of Asaba river as they allow them to pass through while the third unit wait at Amuni river. Once the invader pass through Asaba, the two units will attack from behind and such forces were usually overwhelmed and arrested at Amuni river which has been charmed to weaken anyone with evil intentions towards Aweland.

Present kabiyesi, Oba Cornelius Abiola Taiwo is a direct descendant of Fakanbi, alias Awuya fowo gbon'ti.

Source: Gossip House
Researcher: Comr. Olamide Akinwumi J.


...the group will remain committed to working towards the development of Ekiti state irrespective of political affiliations~ Hon. Ehinafe.
A popular political group, Matured Minds have  celebrated its members on the occasion of its second year anniversary, extolled the activeness and creativity of the group.

 Matured Mind platform, is a social group that is made up of people with diverse political interest, its members cut across all political parties, the mutual comradeship in the group has made it to stand the test of time.

The navigating compass of Matured Minds platform thanked the participatory members of the platform for their comments, robust participation and strict adherent to the rules of engagement.

The convener of the platform, Hon. Ehinafe Odunayo, during his brief interaction with journalists in Ado Ekiti stated "I thank our patron, Mr.Biodun Oyebanji(Governor-elect), our matron Senator Biodun Olujimi representing Ekiti South in the Senate and entire members of Matured Minds platform for their steadfastness and cooperation, the celebration was elaborated last year, our members converged and awards were given, next year anniversary shall be landmark God's willing.

We admonish our members to always voice out their minds without fear of harassment and molestation, as we shall continue to have zero tolerance for vulgar language and gross misconduct."

Hon Odunayo said the group will remain committed to working towards the development of Ekiti state irrespective of political affiliations saying the group was formed for working for Ekiti growth not for attacking political leaders.

Hon. Odunayo Ehinafe
Chief Admin

Oba Mathew
Welfare Admin

Friday, August 19, 2022

LIFE: Four Letter Words that isn't replaceable.

LIFE: Four Letter Words that isn't replaceable.

...All human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret. Intend to live life, not just to exist.

Life brings us as many joyful moments as it does downfalls, and although there are days we wish there was a manual to follow, it simply wouldn’t be the same without the spontaneity. The journey of life may not become easier as we grow older, but we do seem to understand it better as our perspectives evolve. Whether you’re embarking on a new adventure right out of school or you want to explore different paths in your personal life, it’s never too late to change what the future looks like.

Advice from practicing self-love to having a sense of humor to being optimistic never grows old and will surely help you find the push you need to get where you’re going
Always be yourself. At the end of the day, that's all you've really got; when you strip everything down, that's all you've got, so always be yourself. Collaboration, creativity, and respect build life long connections that matter and make a difference, propelling us to work together across all boundaries.

The truth is, you are capable of creating whatever you please, but what’s standing in the way between where you are and where you want to be is you. Not time, not money, not circumstances—you. And do you know why? It’s because you are your greatest obstacle. The sooner you learn this, the better, and the sooner you accept, the sooner you will want to learn how you can change.

All through life, we experience various occasions when decision-making become necessary. A number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Most of the verdict we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. These are what we refer to as lessons of life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. In some instance we are always forced to pay a price to achieve something. This implies that we are trading for an outcome we are seeking.

Period, actions and situation can help us learn a lot about our environment, ourselves and people in general. They give us an opportunity to face our reliability, integrity, accountability and skills of dealing with life result. In the beginning, people have…show more content…
However, Life can then be said to be the conditional value of human affairs or individual’s manner of living, it is the admiration of one’s condition, personality and behaviour. It can be the measured by the collective value of each affair in distinctive class or type, and considering whichever way or the nature of living one indulges in, either at the low-level or high level or the good or evil etiquette of living. According to Timothy Titcomb in his book “Lessons in life” he noted that there are so many outrageous things that have been practiced in the family and moods are the excuses being given for such action, because, moods are the most indefensible things generally (Titcomb, 6). Additionally, Titcomb stated that Living creatures can thus in a level become the masters of their mood (Titcomb, 7).

John Cleese once quoted that “We all work in two contrasting modes, which might be described as open and closed”. In view of this, he expatiated that “the open mode is more relaxed, more receptive, more democratic, more playful and more humorous. While, the closed mode is tighter, more rigid, hierarchical, and more tunnel-vision. He further elaborated that most people spend most of their time in the closed mode”

Consequently, each person at some point in life asks some question about life. Some ask if they actually want to live the kind of life they are experiencing, while some will ask other questions like “who am I” or “The importance of their life"

Your entire life can change in an instant. So instead of passively taking what you have for granted, be grateful for it and do whatever good you can with it. Action breeds more clarity than thought, so you can’t think your way into a new life, you have to act your way into one. If you want to change the trajectory of your life, embrace these rules and apply them: Commitment is what gets you started, consistency is what gets you somewhere, and persistence is what keeps you going.

Live life through appreciating relationships, kindness and cares (not neccessary money), through our idea of a perfect day, and by teaching us to live life to the fullest by not taking everyday things for granted.

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. "2 Peter 3:8".

When you're on the earth 🌎 live a good life, contribute to humanity and remember none live forever 💔. The earth 🌎 is like a market, when we're done with all the activities we will all return home and end the race only those who lived a righteousness lifetime while on earth will be receiving into the kingdom of God.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 says tells us what happens when a person dies. It says, “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.” In other words, when a person dies, his or her spirit goes back to God, the body returns to dust and the soul of that person no longer exist.
Luke 23:43 - And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

I cry for the legacy this loved one leaves in death, for the ways the world has been made different by their presence, for the memories that become both more beautiful and more painful on this side of death. And I pray that the work they have accomplished in their remarkable life will grow deeper, wider, and stronger in the days to come, uninhibited by a weak opponent like death.

I Am Comr. Olamide Akinwumi J, Public Relations Specialist, Blogger, Writer and Trained Journalist.


...Peoples from Ijama, who drink water with a bell made of GOLD, A place where “Lókílì”, “Obì” ati “Gbànja” are the god’s delicacies.
Ondo City Inner Gate

The history of Ondo-Ekimogun sprang from the Palace of Alaafin of Oyo in the ancient city of Oyo when the wife of Alaafin Oba Oluaso bore him twins a male called Orere and a female also called Olu which is forbidden in the palace of every Oba in Yoruba land. The then Alafin of Oyo love the twins mother called Olori OLu so much and on hearing the news of the twins he lamented that this is a mysterious child "ese-omo-re" which later transform to Osemawe as Oba's title in Ondo kingdom.

The Alafin Oba Oluaso ordered that the twins and their mother be taken out of Oyo, he also gave instruction that one stroke of facial mark should be cut on each cheek of the twins as kese or ibaramu mark will cause agony for them on their journey. The single facial stroke mark became an established custom in Ondo town till today. Olori Olu and the twins were accompanied by the Alafin of Oyo warrior's leader called "ija" or " Uja" to a place called Epin in the then Fulani kingdom. 
They later return to Oyo after the death of Alafin Oba Oluaso in 1497 AD. The new Alafin Oba Onigbogi also ordered them out of Oyo in 1498 AD with Alaafin warrior leader to the direction of Ile-Ife. They continue the journey until they reached a place called "Ita Ijama" from where they also arrived at Epe where Iyanghede of Epe received them with joy. This is how Ondo are referred today as "Ekimogun ara ita ijama, a fi ide agogo m'omi".

After a brief stay at Epe they desire to look for a permanent settlement. As they left Epe they arrived at a place which is today called Ile Oluji. Where Olori Olu Alafin wife slept for days and did not wake up " Ile ti Olu sun ti ko ji". After another short stay Olori Olu and Princess Olu the female twins left the town with one Ogunja from Epe leaving Prince Orere behind in Ile oluji and continue a journey until it ended at the foot of a hill known in Ondo up to the present day as "Oke Agunla." This is also how Ondo are referred today as "Opon inu odi Ogunja." At the hill they spotted a smoke rising from below, they followed in that direction down the hill and met a man whose named was Ekiri neither farmer or a hunter. 

Ekiri later lead them to a place called Oriden where they tried to stick their yam stick unto the ground prove futile as instructed by an Ifa Oracle before they left Epe. They were happy and exclaimed "Edo du do to Edo do to Idi edo" and finally transform to Ondo in 1510 AD. Princess Olu the female twins finally became first Oba Pupupu of Ondo in 1516 AD while Prince Orere the male twins became the first Jegun of Ile Oluji.

The other historical facial marks are cut unto the right breast of the descendant of past Osemawes from the male lineage and the rights to Otunba title are from both lineages. All Otunbas title bearers in Ondo are headed by the Olotu Omo-Oba in Oke-Otunba quarters in Ondo kingdom. The Ondos are known to be Traders, farmers or produce merchants, their staple food is Iyan made from yam and they have their own peculiar dialect and very hard working. It must be noted however that Ondo emigrants settlers also founded towns like Igbado, Igbindo, Ajue, Igburowo, Odigbo, Oro, Imorun, Ilu Nla, Erinla, Igunshin, Araromi, Araromi Obu, Ajebandele, Agbabu, Oboto, Bolorunduro, Fagbo, Tekuile, Owena, Oke-Opa, Aiyesan, Laje, Oka, Oke-igbo and etc. The Ondo warriors of that time are Ago, Taagba and Jomu-Nla known as High Chief Jomu till today and that chieftaincy title are family hereditary.

The first Osemawe palace was built by Oba Airo first son of Oba Pupupu who became Oba in 1530 AD. Oba Adeuga Fidipote 11 built the first modern palace in Ondo when he became Oba in 1935 AD while Oba Festus Ibidapo Adesanoye - Osungbedelola 11 built the best recent Oba's palace in Ondo when he became the 43rd Osemawe of Ondo Kingdom in 1992. The Ondo chieftaincy title are The Iwarefa, Ekule, Elegbe, Otu headed by the His Highness Osemawe while Upoji female chiefs headed by the Her Highness Olobun Oba Obirin in Ondo Kingdom. Popular festivals in Ondo are as follows, Odun Oba, Odun Ogun, Odun Oramfe, Odun Moko, Obiton and etc.

The Ondos embrace Roman Catholic Christianity in 1875 under the CMS Missionary worker Rev. Bishop Phillips and accepted by Oba Ayibikitiwodi while Oba Jimekun accepted the CMS Anglican Communion in 1884 and Islam in 1888. The first Ondo Rev. Father John Akinwale was ordained in 1947 while the first Ondo Anglican Bishop was Rev. D.O. Awosika and Rev. T.O. Olufosoye was the first Archbishop of the Anglican communion of Nigeria while Alhaji Muhammed Alimi was installed the first Imam of Ondo in 1888. In conclusion The Ondos are known for a pride, proud of what they represent and very stubborn.

Yearly, natives of Ondo kingdom in Ondo West and East local government areas of Ondo State converge to celebrate Ekimogun Day. It is a day set aside to remember and celebrate the founders of the town.

Source: Gossip House
Researcher: Comr. Olamide Akinwumi J. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Nationwide outage as electricity workers begin strike.

Nationwide outage as electricity workers begin strike.
...DisCos blamed the outage on the ongoing industrial conflict between the Nigerian Transmission Company and the electricity workers union.
Power outage have been reported across Nigeria on Wednesday as electricity workers under the auspices of the National Union of Electricity Employees, NUEE, commenced their strike action over labour dispute with the Transmission Company of Nigeria.

According to nationwide checks conducted by Peoples Gazette on Wednesday, Electricity Distribution Companies (DisCos) last provided electricity to consumers at the early hours of Wednesday.

Precious Osadebe, who lives in Lagos’ Akiode, Ojodu Berger axis and is unaware of the strike, told Peoples Gazette that she last had power at her home around 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

 “They took the light at about seven in the morning and they’ve not brought it since then, which is very unusual, by this time yesterday there was light here, which is the normal trend,” Ms Osadebe said.

The Gazette learned that Magodo, one of the communities covered by the Premium Service Agreement with the Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company , is currently experiencing a blackout, which is thought to be the result of ongoing industrial action by electricity workers.

It was also gathered Abuja, Oyo, Ondo, Enugu, Abia, Delta, and Rivers were currently experiencing a blackout that began early Wednesday morning.

Distribution companies, including Ikeja Electric, Eko Electricity Distribution Company, Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, Abuja Electricity Distribution Company, and Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company have all confirmed service disruption via their social media channels.

They blamed the outage on the ongoing industrial conflict between the Nigerian Transmission Company and the electricity workers union.

 “The Management of Kaduna Electric wishes to inform its customers that the interruption of supply being experienced in parts of our franchise states (Kaduna, Kebbi, Sokoto, and Zamfara) is due to the ongoing dispute between the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE), Senior Staff Association of Electricity and Allied Companies (SSAEAC) the transmission Company of Nigeria TCN. Supply shall be resolved as contending issues are solved,” a statement by Kaduna electric, one of the 11 distribution companies read.

NUEE had on August 15 directed its members to picket TCN offices nationwide on August 16, after which they would embark on strike on August 17.

The General Secretary, NUEE, Joe Ajaero, had in a statement said the picketing was to protest the directive by the TCN board that all principal managers in acting capacity going to acting general manager rank must appear for a promotion interview.

Mr Ajaero said the directive was in contravention of the workers’ conditions of service and career progression paths, and alleged that it was unilaterally done without the relevant stakeholders.

Other issues raised include stigmatisation of staff from the office of the Head of Service of the Federation from working in other areas in the power sector, and non-payment of December 2019 entitlement of ex-PHCN staff.

However, TCN Managing Director Sule Abdulaziz on Tuesday  appealed to electricity workers to suspend their proposed strike action.
Source: Peoples Gazette

Adolescent Education: Erelu Fayemi Gives Matching Order To Wives Of Council Chairmen ln Ekiti.

Adolescent Education: Erelu Fayemi Gives Matching Order To Wives Of Council Chairmen ln Ekiti.
...the committee is expect to address all forms of gender based violences and various challenges that could impede the smooth academic programmes of adolescent girl child in the state.
Wife of the Ekiti State Governor, Erelu Bisi Fayemi has directed wives of local government chairmen and Local Council Development Areas LCDAs in the state to set up a Gender Based Violence Management Committee with immediate effect.

Erelu Fayemi gave the directive on Wednesday in Ado-Ekiti while briefing the councils’ first ladies on a World Bank programme tagged  “Adolescent Girl child Initiative for Learning and Empowerment project.

According to her, the committee is expected to address all forms of gender based violences and various challenges that could impede the smooth academic programmes of adolescent girl child in the state.

She directed that the GBV committees should send their quarterly report to the ministry of women affairs and office of the wife of the state governor.

Erelu Fayemi reteriated that Ekiti State was chosen among the beneficiaries of the project as a result of various advocacy programme held by the Governor and Her Exellency through an initiative known as “keep Girls in School.

The Governor’s wife called on council Chairmen’s wives to partake in the improvement, renovation and the learning condition of the existing schools in the state saying such was the major objective of the Adolescent Girl child Initiative for Learning and Empowerment project.

“As the wife of chairmen, we want you to take ownership of the project, and supervise the progress of the programme your communities, play active role on the AGILE project, monitor the progress of the renovations” she said.

“You need to Monitor as well compliance to the Female Genital Mutilation law in the communities” she added

Erelu Fayemi however appealed to them never to allow Obirin kete women empowerment initiative to go into Oblivion saying that it remained a vital means of encouraging women to be self reliant.

Wife of the State Governor-Elect, Dr. (Mrs) Olayemi Oyebanji promised to build on the good legacy of Erelu Fayemi, and solicit the support of the chairmen’s wives on all platforms.

The Chairperson, wives of council chairmen and wife Efon Alaaye local government chairman, Mrs Ebunlomo Adetunji lauded the past and present programmes of the wife of the governor promising that all needed support would be given to government initiative.


...Anticipate the launching of the APC Youth Wing National Campaign Master plan and Mobilization Strategy.
Anticipate the launching of the APC Youth Wing National Campaign Master plan and Mobilization Strategy. This document has had the input of all our state and zonal youth leaders at our retreat in July, and they, with the support of you all will drive it’s implementation. 

I also shared it with my NWC colleagues for their thoughts & feedback. Be rest assured, we will be open and inclusive in the implementation. Just be patient, you will be carried along. Your National youth leader is not sleeping. We are building the system to aid implementation nationally.

Hon. Erinjogunola Dayo Israel
APC National Youth Leader