Saturday, July 13, 2024

Local Government Autonomy: A Big Win for Masses As Omoluabi Group Hail Apex Court Verdict and Federal Government.

Local Government Autonomy: A Big Win for Masses As Omoluabi Group Hail Apex Court Verdict and Federal Government.

Omoluabi Team Alliance Socio-cultural and Political Group also known as Egbe Omoluabi yesterday gave kudos to the apex court for an impartial verdict given in its judgement as the supreme grants full autonomy to the 774 local government areas recognized by the Nigerian constitution.

 The group who has been at the fore-front of the struggle to see that the local government areas are given chances under the law to operate independently and strive with full financial autonomy, yesterday appreciated the efforts of the Federal Government under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to have taken such fight to the court room and won gallantly. Omoluabi Group, through its' National Secretary Akinfolarin Alex expressed satisfaction  at the steps taken which has yielded results almost immediately. He said this was a long awaited expectation of the people who are true democrats and believed in the separation and distribution  of powers and responsibilities among the three tiers of government.

We are pleased that the local governments can now exercise some powers and freedom as spelled out under the law  at their various local domains and jurisdictions.  

Today full autonomy has been restored legitimately back to the local governments, then it implied that government can now be closer to the people than before. The group however appealed to state governors to accept the supreme court judgement and allow the rule of law prevail in this matter. INEC will now conduct elections for elective positions at the local government level, while the federal government will now make their allocations available to them directly through the monthly Federal Allocation Committee meetings.

No doubt the people are happy while we continually appeal to government at all levels to help quench the prevailing hunger and economic hardship in the country. However, we strongly believe that there is hope for our democracy as President Bola Ahmed Tinubu continues in his renewed hope agenda promised.

This autonomy for local government is indeed a big win for Nigerians  and we hail President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in this feat.

 Alex Akinfolarin.
 National Secretary.

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