Sunday, October 15, 2023

State of the State: Ondo State in a fix, Correcting Constitutional Aberrations. Omoluabi Group Speaks on way forward.

State of the State: Ondo State in a fix, Correcting Constitutional Aberrations. Omoluabi Group Speaks on way forward.
Omoluabi socio- cultural and political group Ondo State chapter is not unaware of the hullabaloo that occupies the political space of the state with respect to agitations from the political actors in the state. We are aware that there is a lacuna in the governance of the state caused by the state of health of Mr. Governor, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu which  has been a serious issue for debate in the public space. No one wish to be sick but what can man do when health fails by virtue of natural phenomenon. Absolutely nothing. One major truth is that as humans the body system can be ill and needs medical attention peradventure. So you can't blame Mr. Governor for his ailment or ill-health 

There are rumours in the public space in the last one to two months that the Chief Executive Officer of the State is in town and has since taken cover in his Ibadan home. We are aware that cabinet members and other government officials have met with him including the embattled Deputy Governor which further affirms that Mr. Governor is back in the country but prefers to operate from Ibadan in Oyo State. Yes, no doubt the Governor may deem it fit base on medical advise that he need to rest a short while before fully resuming back into his Alagbaka office in Akure, Ondo State.  We as a group will maintain a balanced view in this matter and will never be partial in our discus as this is a big issue that is germaine to the development of our state. 

We anticipated that after a brief rest it becomes imperative and constitutionally right to see Mr. Governor resume back into his office so as to provide directions in the governance and day to day administration of the state. Not operating from Alagbaka in Akure is already at this time and moment is a  constitutional aberration already. In such a crucial moment when the governor still deem it fit to further rest the Deputy Governor who is on a joint ticket with Mr. Governor should be made to continue in acting capacity to avoid major or minor lacuna which is already becoming too obvious.

Omoluabi Group observe that the state is operating like a ship without a captain, an aircraft without a pilot. Or can the pilot of an aircraft operate from the ground when the plane to be flown is already at a height in the air filled with passengers on board? That exactly is the situation with the sunshine state at the moment.We must correct this constitutional error before the constitution fights back which may possibly plunge the state into political anarchy.

The group however advise all political gladiators from Aketi and Aiyedatiwa camps which is now obvious to be the situation we now find ourselves among political leaders in the state at the moment to drop selfish intentions that is grossly anti development to the state. There is no good any anarchy can offer the state especially for a house that was once united. Let allies of these political actors stay away from creating further feud among the Governor and his Deputy. Ondo state is bigger than any personal interest and should be allowed to chart the path of progressive politics like we had abinitio.

In the overall  interest of the welfare of all citizens and residents of Ondo State, Omoluabi Group appeal for peace and advise that government becomes proactive in all facets. Our roads are now bad, insecurity now returned, palliatives not distributed, palliative buses not available to convey workers and school children to schools, dilapidated government- owned structures and many more are now the cases happening in our dear state. The truth is that Ondo state people misses the presence of Mr.Governor who is well known to be a proactive leader and a voice that speaks loudest for the State at all times and the entire southwest region.  

We hereby advise that all stakeholders in the state across all political divide, traditional rulers, religious leaders and all well meaning sons and daughters find a common ground under the leadership of Pa Reuben Fasoranti, the Leader General of Afenifere Group to resolve this issue amicably.

The sun must continue to shine always, Ondo State chapter of Omoluabi Group passionately wish the state well under the Aketi- led State Government that is incumbent.

 E- Signed:
 Omoluabi Aluko Taiyelolu Ife.
 Ondo State Coordinator.

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