Thursday, July 27, 2023

There is a popular Yorùbá proverb which says: A kìí je míjì l'ábà Àlàdé. We do not eat two things at Àlàdé's compound.

There is a popular Yorùbá proverb which says: A kìí je míjì l'ábà Àlàdé.
We do not eat two things at Àlàdé's compound.
Let me tell you the full story behind this proverb so you will know when to use such proverb. 
The story is from sacred Odù Ifá Ogbè Ofun and the verse goes thus: 

A s'ore ìsetán níí jé méè l'óríyìn
Adífá fún Àlàdé oníwàtá
Tí ń lo rèé dá'ko èbá ònàn
Ebo wón ní ó se

Half good deeds doesn't makes one to be appreciated
These were Ifa declarations to Àlàdé oníwàtá.

When going to farm at the road side

He was advised to offer ẹbọ

Àlàdé decided that he wants to be doing good to people so that everyone can always praise him for his good deeds now and after he's no more. 

He decided to plant Yam at the road side and he made this yam free for those who are starving. He also provided a very big bowl of water beside it. 

If you passed by his farm hungry or thirsty, you've got no worries. 

But he had a rule and a popular saying which was: 

A kìí je míjì l'ábà Àlàdé
We do not eat two things at Àlàdé's compound. You can only eat one thing at A time. 

Either you eat roasted yam and forget about water or you drink water and leave roasted yam for others. 

The people in his community are already used to this law of his, so he became so popular and well-known for his "half good deed"

One day, two strangers traveling From a far distance, tired, sweating profusely, staggering, starving and thirsty got to his farm. 

They were so happy to see ready roasted yam on fire and drinkable water beside it. 

As they sat down to eat, Àlàdé interrupted and said: "Welcome to my farm, I hope you are aware that you can only choose one thing here. 

You either drink water and take your leave or you eat Yam till you are satisfied, then leave"

This two strangers thought to themselves that it's better for them to eat Yam and go source for water elsewhere. 

They started eating and eating as if they've got a calabash in their stomach but who will blame them? They were starving!

Don't forget that Roasted yam requires drinking water as you are eating it. 

They ate to a stage that the roasted yam got stuck in their throats. 

They begged Àlàdé for water but he refused and claimed that "A deal is a deal". 

To cut the long story short, the two strangers drop dead. 

People started clamouring that Àlàdé killed them.

The people in the community ushered Àlàdé with lot of Beating and Slapping to the king's palace. 

When he got to the palace, he explained all that happened to the king. 

The king then told him that "if you know you can't do a complete and rewarding good to people, why bother to do any at all?" 

Why give an orange to someone who doesn't have Two hands and not peel it? 

So the king pronounced his judgement and a proper purnishment was given to Àlàdé as deserved.

It now became popular in the community that: “A kìí je míjì l'ábà Àlàdé ló kóbá Àlàdé

We do not eat two things at Àlàdé's compound is what got Àlàdé into trouble. 

I hope you learn one or two things from this. 

Story credit; Popoola Owomide Ifagbenusola
Photo source; Wikipedia

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