Saturday, August 17, 2024

Governor Oyebanji is Committed to improved welfare of Ekiti people.

Governor Oyebanji is Committed to improved welfare of Ekiti people.
Obababa Gcfr

Riding on the crest of the shared prosperity, Governor Biodun Oyebanji prioritised critical infrastructure in health, road construction, social intervention programs, massive empowerment , amongst others. Ekiti people have witnessed unprecedented development in various sectors, including social support for many vulnerable in Ekiti State. The people were fascinated by the pro-masses policy thrust of his government that placed premium on social investments and access to quality essential services like healthcare.

Even in his convergence of interest, the governor has kept to the promise and so far endeared himself to all stakeholders and the masses in Ekiti State through his unique governance style. Governor Oyebanji has made significant strides in transforming the state's infrastructure, improved internally generated revenue, and overall governance. Numerous impactful projects and policies, he championed, have significantly improved the quality of life of Ekiti people.

Referendum is the best way to get genuine people’s constitution —Ex-Gov Fayemi.

Referendum is the best way to get genuine people’s constitution —Ex-Gov Fayemi.                By Lasisi  Olagunj.

Dr Kayode Fayemi, a former governor of Ekiti State, former chairman of the Nigerian Governors Forum and a one-time Minister of Mines and Steel Development, in this interview by LASISI OLAGUNJU, speaks on a variety of national issues.

A group of eminent Nigerians called ‘The Patriots’ recently visited the president with requests for a constituent assembly and a new constitution. What are your views on those demands?

Constitution review has been a ding-dong affair since the inception of this republic in 1999. Don’t forget that the republic came into being without anybody having the privilege of seeing the document that labels itself as coming from “we the people”. Since then, there’s been a relentless campaign for the people’s constitution. The Patriots have been at the forefront of that campaign. As a civil society leader, I was a founding member of the Citizens’ Forum for Constitutional Reform which we also started in 1999, and my organisation, the Centre for Democracy and Development served as the Secretariat and we even went ahead to produce a model alternative constitution. There were many such initiatives. In response to these various agitations, the Obasanjo and Jonathan administrations convened constitutional forums in 2005 and 2014 and came out with positions. Even at the level of our own party – the APC, we also set up the APC Committee on True Federalism in 2016 led by Mallam Nasir El Rufai and also produced a very useful document. I say all this to let you know that the struggle for constitutional reform has been long and unrelenting and I’m completely in sync with The Patriots’ agenda and their visit to the President. I guess what they did during the visit that I agree with most and I hope the President will eventually see the need for this is the manner they have addressed the lacuna in the current amendment provisions in the 1999 constitution. The Patriots have suggested a process that will culminate in a referendum in which the draft constitution is put to vote. Indeed, there can be no people’s constitution without the people’s input. That will amount to legality without legitimacy and that’s the lacuna in the current attempts at reform. And to bridge the gap that exists between the National Assembly currently saddled with the reform responsibility by the current constitution and the people campaigning for broader legitimacy, my own suggestion would be for the President to submit an executive bill to the NASS incorporating a synthesis of previous documents ranging from the 2005 and 2014 processes and any new additions like the APC report and then subject this to the two thirds principle of state legislative assemblies’ ratification and subsequently public referendum. The only risk I see with a referendum as we have witnessed in other polities is the risk of extraneous factors that may interfere with the real issue of constitutional reform. But even at that, it’s still the best way to get a genuine, people’s constitution which will help deepen our very fragile and troubled democracy.


You were the chairman of the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) when the NG-CARES Programme started. Can you tell us, sir, the story behind the loan vis a vis the ongoing controversy over the utilisation of the funds by state governors?

Yes, I was Chairman of the Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) when NG-CARES started. We had COVID-19 pandemic which ravaged the entire world in 2020/2021. There were a range of interventions undertaken both at the Federal and state levels to treat and prevent the spread of the pandemic as well as attend to the deleterious impact on the economy and livelihoods. I was involved in a range of conversations in my capacity as Chairman with the Federal Government, private sector players organised as CACOVID led by Alhaji Aliko Dangote and multilateral institutions and other development partners led by the World Bank in response to the pandemic and post pandemic challenges. One of the initiatives that we successfully negotiated was the $750m programme for results concessional lending from the World Bank. The scheme known as Nigeria Community Action for Resilience and Economic Stimulus programme (NG-CARES) is a US$750.00 million programme funded by the World Bank.  The programme for results initiative works on a reimbursement basis. States must first spend their own money to mitigate the negative impact of the socioeconomic shocks occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic in areas already agreed with the World Bank by states and all states were billed to benefit as long as they met the conditions precedent and there were independent verification agents that reviewed the DLIs.  States submit verifiable data of their implementation of this programme to the FG, who acts as the agent of the World Bank for this purpose because Nigeria is the sovereign that is eligible to borrow from the Bank.  The World Bank then reimburses the States through the FG the cost they have expended on the programme, all aimed at mitigating the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, as agreed with the World Bank. I know a lot about this because quite apart from being the Chairman of Governors, I was actually the focal point on the negotiations from scratch and the main negotiator on the WB side was the Task Team Leader in charge of Social Protection at the Bank, Professor Foluso Okunmadewa. The International Economic Relations Department of the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and Planning was the main agent for the Federal Government.

It is unfortunate that this well thought out programme has now become the subject of unnecessary controversy. The presidential staffers responsible for writing the speech delivered by the President were really responsible for this misinformation. While it may not have been deliberate on their part, I think it also speaks to the absence of policy coordination and information sharing because there’s nothing that I have highlighted above that’s not known to the Ministers of Finance and Budget and National Planning. And from what I have said, it is clear that this was not a gift or a grant from the Federal Government to States but a well documented concessional lending for which states are responsible to repay. Now that it’s clear that it’s a loan, perhaps the only other legitimate issue that can be raised is whether it was well utilised or not. And that’s the benefit of the programme for results initiatives because the World Bank will not pay unless the Independent Verification Agents confirm that funds had been appropriately utilised. I believe certain states were not paid in the refunds that made the headlines in the media. You as the media can go round the thirty six states and investigate how they spent their own loans for which they have been reimbursed. So, state Governors were right to have objected to the impression created by the President’s speech and it’s also appropriate that the Presidency has now retracted its earlier position on this. What’s sad is the way they are still doubling down that they are the guarantors of the loan. Every loan from the World Bank to states is guaranteed by the sovereign. Nigeria is the sovereign, not the states but the repayment is coming from the states, deducted at source and not from the Federal Government.


Some Nigerians are saying that governors, rather than the president, should be held responsible for the cost of living crisis in the country. As a former governor and stakeholder in Nigeria, where do you think the problem lies and what would you suggest as the way out?

The thirst for excuses and culprits to blame for our obvious challenges is an insatiable one. In fact, there’s a whole industry around it. As an academic, we always talk about cause and effect, remote and immediate causes, agency and structure, symptoms and causes etc. All of that makes sense, but for  be careful about conflating cause and symptom or abstracting symptoms from context and absolutising them as independent variables. Important as the blame game may be for some, the real issue that all of us are interested in now is: how do we drag ourselves out of the hole we are in. The elephant is a behemoth and very often you can only see it from your vantage point. I have served as a Federal Minister, I have also been a state governor and chaired the Forum of Governors, often negotiating with the federal government. I have also been a civil society agitator railing against malfeasance in government and now I’m back in the university as a professor. The tendency to see things differently exists in every segment. It is the totality of these multiple experiences that should assist us in developing a problem solving approach. My own take is that we need to stop the blame game and work together in the interest of the vulnerable segment of our population. Everyone can see the point of the protest that was fuelled by the excruciating pain and immiseration in the land but we must also admit that the cost of living crisis is a global phenomenon. Yet, even as we say it is global, the crisis in Nigeria is contextual and historic  and it is also a crisis of values, a crisis of structure, a crisis of governance and a crisis of leadership and all of us have sinned. Time is however running out and we need the urgency of now to attend to the frustrations and despair in the country and if we don’t, we run the risk of being consumed by it.


Local government autonomy is another contentious issue. How best do you think the Supreme Court judgement should be implemented?

Honestly, I’m still trying to get my own head round that ruling and its portents. And the reason is not far-fetched. When I was Chairman of the Governors Forum, we were in court over pretty much the same issues with the last Attorney General, Abubakar Malami, I believe in 2021 on the implementation of Executive Order 10 which was pretty much seeking the same reliefs in the action brought by the current Attorney General. The Supreme Court ruled at that time, barely two years ago that without prejudice to the merit of the request brought by the Honourable Attorney General, the provision of Section 162 of the constitution cannot be varied in terms of its explicit provision for all revenues to go into the Federation Account and the provision of a Joint Accounts of States and Local Government to manage funds disbursed from the federation account. What appears to have happened in this case, save for Justice Abiru’s minority ruling, is a somersault in my humble opinion and it’s one that is bound to have serious implications for the workings of our federation. If the problem as outlined by the current Attorney General is true and I haven’t seen any proof of states shortchanging local governments of their legitimate funds as often claimed, I don’t believe the decision will solve the problem. In fact, in many states that I know, the Governors will be relieved because they will be saved from the monthly burden of having to augment local governments that could not meet their financial obligations. But beyond the relief, the danger to primary school teachers, primary health care workers, local government workers and traditional rulers’ emoluments is real, if we go by past experience. But I pray I’m proved wrong.

Having said the above, I completely endorse the part of the ruling on abrogation of caretaker committees and its insistence on elected local government officials. As a Governor who organised at least two local government elections during my time in office, I believe this is really a no brainer. Where I see a problem is the attempt, both surreptitious and overt, to return local election management to Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). I see this as a return to unitarism. While I’m not oblivious of the inadequacies of some state electoral commissions, the solution is to strengthen them and hold them more accountable through measures introduced to guarantee unrestrained funding, improve appointments into the state electoral management bodies and introduce accountability mechanisms to strengthen their independence. The notion that INEC has a magic wand on clean and credible elections is a joke taken too far. But if it is the collective view of Nigerians that we should return to a unitary constitution, that should be allowed to be the product of the people’s debate. As a federalist though, I have a general concern with this surreptitious attempt to return Nigeria to the path of unitarism. So, to return to your question, I think the constitutional reform process should now be accelerated to address these lingering issues on how best to make Nigeria work in the interest of all Nigerians. The Supreme Court’s role is to interpret the law and not to make laws. The process for law making is clearly laid out in the constitution and my plea is that this process should be expedited to address the lacuna that the Supreme Court ruling has now created which I am in no doubt would be difficult to implement, especially with regards to direct funding of local government. I’m a student of federalism and I have looked around the world. Most successful federations leave the creation, management and funding of local authorities in the hands of sub-national federating units and not in the hands of the central federating units. At best, the federal government gives grants to local government areas or counties as they are called in the USA. This new approach is a subversion of federalism or, if I want to be generous, Nigeria’s unique contribution to the theory of federalism. Indeed, there are scholars like Professor Richard Sklar who regards the so called three tier arrangement as Nigeria’s contribution to that theory. But in my view, it is unworkable. My final take on this is that we have now reached a point where LGs should be completely delisted and expunged from our constitution while states are left to determine local administration in line with their own local circumstances.

The pattern of the recent protests over hardship in the country gives a lot of people concerns on the future of Nigeria and its democracy. Do you also entertain such fears?

While there is every reason to be concerned about the protests and the risk it portends to the future of this democracy, I think it’s also a clarion call for concerted effort on the part of all stakeholders. This democracy has been forged in the crucible of protests and agitations for better governance and the President is not new to this, so protests are legitimate as long as they are not destructive. In my own opinion, all patriots must do their best to help the country and the leadership achieve stability and prosperity. There is no leader who goes out of his or her way to inflict pain on the citizens. And definitely, my knowledge of our president shows him as a leader with capacity for generosity of spirit. Equally,the point needs to be made that the regular Nigerian does not wake up thinking primarily about how to drive an ethnic, sectional, or religious agenda because we are all bearers of multiple identities. However, poverty and inequality, as they expand and ossify, have been known to feed into parochialisms, irredentism, and exclusionary ideologies of various kinds. These twin problems are at the heart of the crisis which we are witnessing all around us. They provide the underlying context for understanding why a seemingly innocuous protest degenerated to ethnic controversies, inter-generational discords and multifaceted criminality in some parts of the country. This is why leadership of a politically conscious and enlightened type is required. Unfortunately, as we politicians often discover to our chagrin, the reality is always different between running for office and running the office. Indeed, one of the first lessons I learned in my small leadership role is that leadership is not a solo effort but a team one. It is best exercised when it is underpinned with an appropriate infrastructure of policy, politics, and power. Its critical actions are best sustained not by the charisma of an omniscient president but by the broadness of the consensus that is built around him and the beneficial impact which they register.

So, if we must avert the fire next time and save ourselves from the wrath of our citizens, we all must work with the President and his team to achieve a change in values, a change of attitude and a change of approach to governance at all levels. The president must utilise the sheer force of personal example to inspire and motivate ordinary Nigerians and the rest of us must pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and support the president. Any other approach is a distraction from focusing on the real issues.

How have you been enjoying your time as a visiting professor at King’s College, London and why that choice of engagement?

Very much so. Actually in more mature democracies, what I’m doing is the norm rather than the exception. There’s always a revolving door between people who have served at the highest levels in government and the sharing of that experience with people in academia and the private sector. The opportunity allows one to see things more objectively than when you’re the man in the arena as President Theodore Roosevelt would say. It also gives one the opportunity to impart knowledge based on practical insights gained in office to a younger and not as jaded successor generation of young people who will sooner find themselves in critical leadership positions. It is only in Nigeria that politicians and citizens deprecate knowledge and denigrate scholarship – Na book we go chop  as many like to say. Personally, the position has allowed me the flexibility to do many things without losing touch with political society at home  – particularly teaching, research, reflection and writing. I’m also utilizing the time and space to prepare for the launch of my pan African policy think tank early next year that will bring together all of these exertions into one single whole aimed at promoting high level policy forums, intergenerational dialogues, leadership salons and training and mentorship opportunities.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Ilejemeje LGA Chairman Empowers 100 Elderly Women in Historic Initiative.

Ilejemeje LGA Chairman Empowers 100 Elderly Women in Historic Initiative.

In a groundbreaking move, the Ilejemeje Local Government Chairman, Hon. Pius Alaba Dada, has empowered 100 elderly women across the 10 wards of the LGA. This historic event was attended by dignitaries, including the Commissioner for Local Government Affairs, Hon. Olabode Folorunsho Bamidele, the Vice Chairman Ogunleye Grace, and several revered traditional rulers.

Speaking at the ceremony, Chairman Dada expressed his unwavering commitment to uplifting the lives of the less privileged in Ilejemeje. “As the Chairman, I cannot afford to fail the people who have reposed so much faith in us. It is on this premise that we have set in motion various empowerment initiatives, with the elderly being a key focus.”

The Chairman highlighted the limited resources at the LGA’s disposal, yet the administration has embarked on impactful projects such as the construction of the second phase of the permanent secretariat. “This empowerment program is a testament to our vision to put smiles on the faces of the masses,” he added.

Commissioner Bamidele commended the Chairman’s welfare-centric approach, which aligns with Governor Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji’s administration. “The Governor’s commitment to pensioners, gratuity, and timely payment of salaries has set a new benchmark. Chairman Dada has clearly taken a leaf from this playbook, and the results are evident in his short time in office.”

The Commissioner also revealed plans to build accommodation for Nigerian Army personnel stationed in the area, further enhancing security and community development.

On behalf of the beneficiaries, Mama Oyedele Grace from Ward 3, Iye-Ekiti, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Chairman. “In these trying economic times, this gesture is truly impactful and rare. We pledge our unwavering support for the Chairman and Governor Oyebanji’s second term bid.”

The event was graced by traditional rulers, including the Oniye of Iye-Ekiti, Oba Jonathan Agboola Adeleye-Oni; the Eleda of Eda-Oniyo, Oba Julius Awolola; the Onijeshe of Ijesha-Modu, Oba Samuel Daramola; the Owa of Iludun-Ekiti, Oba Joseph Akinola; Elewu of Ewu-Ekiti Oba Bamidele Adetutu Ajayi, the Onipere of Ipere-Ekiti, and Onijaro of Ijaro who was represented by his wife. The traditional leaders praised the Chairman’s transformative initiatives and expressed optimism for the continued progress of Ilejemeje LGA under his leadership.

Oyebanji Truly Deserves Second Term, Says Ekiti Deputy Gov.

Oyebanji Truly Deserves Second Term, Says Ekiti Deputy Gov.                                                              ...Deputy gov, commissioners join campaign for Oyebanji's reelection.

The Ekiti State Deputy Governor, Chief (Mrs) Monisade Afuye, has justified the litany of second term endorsements being accorded Governor Biodun Oyebanji by groups, saying the governor's exemplary performance across economic sectors make him favourably deserve reelection. 

Mrs Afuye gave the justification in Ado Ekiti, on Friday, while being decorated as the Chairperson, Board of Trustees of pro-Oyebanji campaign group under the auspices of 'BAO Agenda for 2026', to drum support for the governor's reelection in the 2026 governorship poll.

Other high profile figures that constitute the BOT are : Secretary to the State Government, Dr. Habibat Adubiaro, Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters, Hon. Ibrahim Olanrewaju, Commissioners for Finance, Mr. Akin Oyebode, Physical Planning and Urban Development, Hon. Karounwi Oladapo, Budget and Economic Planning, Mr. Niyi Adebayo, Erelu Kemi Elebute Halle, and Engr. Bayo Ajayi.

In her acceptance speech, Mrs Afuye, in a statement signed by her Special Assistant on Media, Victor Ogunje, applauded the group for the enormous respect and support displayed towards the governor and its resolve to back him for the 2026 poll.

Mrs Afuye, said such soul-lifting gesture would serve as a catalyst and morale booster for the State Chief Executive to deliver more democracy dividends to the people.

She added that the litany of second term endorsements being enjoyed by the governor barely two years into his administration were not mere flippancy or jamborees, but a product of good and dispassionate thinking. 

"At his inauguration on October 16, 2022, Governor Oyebanji announced the six-pillar of his administration and this has been a guiding principle and compass of this administration upon which he has delivered democracy dividends to the people. 

" As of now, appreciable works are ongoing on projects like: flyover project in Ado Ekiti, Ikere-Igbara Odo road, Ikere-Ise road, Ikere-Ilawe roads, Itapa-Omu-Ijelu road, Ado-Ikere road, Ado-Iworoko-Ifaki road, Isinbode-Ara-Ikole road and many others. These are projects that were strategically awarded to attract investments to the state. 

"The government is also working in partnership with cavista Holdings to radicalise the agriculture sector and lift Ekiti to reach the food security status by attracting youth population into commercial farming for more and abundant food production. 

"Under Human Capital Development, the current government had employed over 3,000 people into the state civil service. The Adire Ekiti Hub being championed by Her Excellency, Ekiti State First Lady, Prof Olayemi Oyebanji, has trained hundreds of Ekiti youths to be self- dependent through exposure to skills on how to make Adire local fabric. 

"The Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) Clinic, which was commissioned recently by His Excellency, Vice President Kashim Shettima will also be a veritable platform to train our youths in relevant skills and vocations that can make them relevant under the current economic situation".

About civil service restructuring, she added that workers and pensioners have been enjoying unfettered dividends of democracy under Governor Oyebanji's leadership, saying the government has made it a matter of policy by ensuring regular payments of salaries and deductions. 

"Just a few weeks ago, a total of N1 billion was released to pay backlog of gratuity to give the retirees a better welfare package. The government also released a sum of N365 million as housing/car loans to workers to give them a sense of belonging.

" I am of that conviction that the cumulative effect of the foregoing must have prompted this endorsement, which I firmly believe was well deserved". 

The Deputy Governor appreciated the group for her investiture as the BOT Chairperson, assuring that she will readily make herself available to provide the body with the needed support and guidance that will make them achieve their set goals.

Inaugurating the BOT members, the Acting State Chairman, All Progressives Congress, Hon. Sola Elesin, urged the group not to allow internal squabbles to derail their focus of ensuring aggressive mobilisation for the governor. 

"You all witnessed how Vice president Kashim Shettima spoke glowingly of our governor in Abuja. In real infrastructure, stomach infrastructure and empowerment, in fact, Governor Oyebanji has done well. He has made the job easier for us by his exemplary performance, but we won't be complacent. 

"We will work hard for him and make the dream successful.We must be inclusive and leave no stone unturned. It should be house- to- house campaign, nobody should be left behind".

A serving commissioner and member of the BOT, Hon Oladapo Karounwi, said the group should work hard for Governor Oyebanji to make history as the first governor to spend eight unbroken years as a governor.

In his submission, the group's Coordinator, Hon. Ibrahim Lawal, said they decided to work for Governor Oyebanji's reelection to further consolidate democracy gains to the people, saying allowing him to lead the state for eight years will bring radical development to the state. 

Lawal described the BOT members as committed and resourceful individuals, who can contribute their mental and physical resources to advertise to Ekiti the positivity the governor has brought earning him the second term.

"We have 23 executive members, 38 coordinators and 177 mobilisers across the state to preach the gospel of Governor Biodun Oyebanji's reelection in 2026. We are not going to take chances despite not having any stiff opposition. 

"We all know the governor deserves it and we will work hard to ensure that he is returned. We won't allow what happened in 2014 to repeat itself".

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Oyebanji ‘ll Promote Ekiti Local Festivals to National Status – Mrs Afuye.

Oyebanji ‘ll Promote Ekiti Local Festivals to National Status – Mrs Afuye.
…Lauds monarch over ‘Ita Ajero’ unity festival.

The Ekiti State Deputy Governor, Chief (Mrs) Monisade Afuye, has declared that the progressive investment being made by Governor Biodun Oyebanji’s government in Creative economy and Tourism stemmed from his firm belief that the sectors can sustain the state’s economy.

Rather than relying solely on proceeds of oil accruing to Ekiti from the federation account to develop the state, Mrs Afuye, posited that Governor Oyebanji, was investing heavily in other viable alternative sectors, so that Ekiti can shed the toga of full reliance on revenue from the national level for survival.

Mrs Afuye said these in Ijero Ekiti, headquarters of Ijero Local Government Area, during the 2024 Edition of ‘Odun Ita Ajero’, held in the town, on Thursday, in a statement issued by her Special Assistant on Media, Victor Ogunje.

Addressing the mammoth crowd of indigenes and visitors at the cultural fiesta, Mrs Afuye, commended the Ajero of Ijero Ekiti, Oba Joseph Adebayo Adewole, for conceptualising the festival to adore Ijero’s rich culture and solidify the cord of unity among its indigenes.

On efforts being intensified by Governor Oyebanji to develop the creative and hospitality sectors, the Deputy Governor, said this manifested in the remarkable facelift being noticed at Ikogosi Resort Centre, thereby shoring up the state’s revenue profile.

The Deputy Governor also lauded Governor Oyebanji over appreciable investment in the Ekiti State Festival of Arts and Culture (EKIFEST), saying the government was ready to partner some communities to upgrade their local festivals to national status.

“As I congratulate you on this unification ceremony, let me bring to your notice that what you are doing today is in tandem with the belief and political philosophy of our Omoluabi Governor, Biodun Oyebanji, who had demonstrated in actions and deeds that all the towns in Ekiti must unite across political and religious divides to develop the state.

“Ekiti is sufficiently rich in both human and material resources and these must be skillfully and successfully harnessed to develop the State.

“The Ikogosi Resort Centre and Arinta Waterfall are now economically viable and making revenues to the state’s coffers. The government has been making commensurate efforts to make the Annual EKIFEST more grandiose to gain traction and national recognition.

“The just concluded 2024 Edition of EKIFEST had been adjudged to be colourful all over the globe. In actual fact, it has launched Ekiti on the global map as an hospitable and artistically ingenious group of people”.

She considered the annual ceremony as a platform to celebrate the historical greatness of Ijero people, saying it has been a policy of the Oyebanji-led administration to protect Ekiti culture and make it a thing of economic benefit to the populace.

“Like Ojude Oba in Ijebu Ode, Udiroko in Ado Ekiti, Eyo festival in Lagos, Governor Oyebanji is ready to partner our towns to develop their cultural and creative endowments to gain national reckoning.

“In this modern time, these potentials are sufficient enough to power the economy, even better than oil that we are solely dependent”.

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, who traced the historical connection of Ijero Kingdom to Ife, the cradle of Yoruba race, commended Governor Oyebanji for his unshaken interest in culture and making efforts to upgrade and preserve it by his friendly policies.

The monarch charged all the towns in Yoruba race to be proud of their culture and work hard to make economic benefit out of it as obtainable in some climes.

“Ijero Kingdom occupies a priceless position in the history of Yoruba race, so I am proud of what Ajero is doing here today. We need unity in Yoruba land and Nigeria and this is a signal that we can use our culture to unite our people”.

The Ajero of Ajero Ekiti, Oba Joseph Adebayo Adewole, saluted the Oyebanji’s administration for displaying boundless passion to creative economy and stepping up efforts to preserve the arts and cultural endowments of Ekiti towns.

The monarch said the ‘Odun Ita Ajero’ was specially conceived to bring all the Ijero indigenes, both at home and in the diaspora together, unify and commit them to make substantial contributions to the progress of the community.

Ifeloju LCDA Unveils Refurbished Tractor to Support Local Farmers.

Ifeloju LCDA Unveils Refurbished Tractor to Support Local Farmers.

In a move to bolster agricultural productivity and strengthen food security, the Chairman of Ifeloju Local Council Development Area (LCDA), Hon. Olusola Micheal Oniyelu, proudly unveiled a refurbished tractor for the benefit of local farmers.

This is seen as part of the LCDA's concerted efforts to empower and support agriculture in Ifeloju LCDA. The modernized tractor, which was previously in a rickety condition, has now been fully repaired and reconditioned to serve the hardworking farmers of Ifeloju LCDA.

"Our administration is committed to the development of the agricultural sector, as we recognize its crucial role in ensuring food security and driving economic growth within our community," stated Chairman ONIYELU during the unveiling. "This refurbished tractor will significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of our local farmers, enabling them to cultivate their land more effectively and contribute to the overall prosperity of Ifeloju LCDA ."

The refurbished tractor will be deployed to assist farmers in various agricultural activities, such as plowing, harrowing, and other tractor-essential tasks. This initiative aligns with the Governor Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji administration's broader strategy to bolster the agricultural industry and provide the necessary support to boost food production in the state.

"We are grateful to the council leadership for their unwavering support and investment in our local agricultural sector," expressed one of the Ifeloju LCDA farmers. "This modernized tractor will be a game-changer for us, as it will help us overcome the challenges we have faced with outdated and unreliable equipment. This is a significant step towards enhancing our farming capabilities and securing a brighter future for our community."

The unveiling of the refurbished tractor in Ifeloju LCDA marks a crucial milestone in the ongoing efforts to empower local farmers and foster sustainable agricultural development. This initiative is expected to have a positive ripple effect, leading to increased food production, improved economic outcomes, and a stronger sense of self-reliance within the community.



Vice President Kashim Shettima has said Nigeria needs more Governors like Ekiti State Governor, Mr Biodun Oyebanji whose style of governance would bring all political Stakeholders on board to enhance the educational system, security and socio economic growth of the sub nationals.

Senator Shettima stated this during the official launch of “Navigating the Politics of Universal Education Policies in Nigeria”, a book written by a former Deputy Governor of Ekiti State, Professor Modupe Adelabu, in Abuja on Thursday. 
The event was attended by the Chief Of Staff to the President, Rt Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, Former Governors of Ekiti, Otunba Niyi Adebayo, Dr Kayode Fayemi; former Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun; APC chieftain, Chief Bisi Akande, Minister of State for Health, Dr Tunji Alausa; Speaker, Ekiti State House of Assembly, Mr Adeoye Aribasoye, and prominent traditional rulers. 

Vice President Shettima who narrated his first meeting with Governor Oyebanji during Dr Fayemi’s administration, where Oyebanji served as Secretary to the State Government. He recalled telling the then SSG that he would be the next Governor of the State based on his impression of him. 

The Vice President said he had observed Governor Oyebanji as Governor and he is impressed by the Governor’s unique leadership style which, according to the Vice President,  has united all tendencies in the state with attendant remarkable growth and development across different sectors.

He restated the importance of continuity of good governance, saying Ekiti is fortunate to have elected Oyebanji as their Governor, adding that the Governor has distinguished himself among his peers in Nigeria.

Vice President Shettima said: "honestly I am very proud of Governor Oyebanji. He exhumes humility, he exhumes acceptability and accessibility. He has been able  to carry all the tendencies in Ekiti State.

“Former Governor Niyi Adebayo is here, my friend former Governor Kayode Fayemi and his wife are all here, Senator Adetunmbi and many other Stakeholders in Ekiti State are all here to celebrate Professor Modupe Adelabu and also to identify with the Governor. 

“We need Governors like Oyebanji in Nigeria. Governors that will not work with everybody regardless of their political differences, Governors that will not chase shadows; Governors that have the capacity to be humble and height of their glories."

Speaking further, the Vice President congratulated  the writer who is a former deputy Governor of Ekiti State, Prof Adelabu for sharing her thoughts, expertise and experiences as a distinguished Scholar in a book form. He urged policy makers at all levels to take advantage of the book. 

In his remarks, Governor Oyebanji said  education is a critical component of nation building, stressing that this informed the decision of his administration to put necessary frameworks in place towards improving educational infrastructure in Ekiti. 

This, according to him has made Ekiti to have the highest number of basic school enrollment in Nigeria, with the provision of basic needs to aid teaching and learning as well as ensuring that gender mainstreaming remains an integral part of approach to education.

Governor Oyebanji lauded the Professor Adelabu for her contributions to the education and political development of the state, saying the book will be beneficial to all policy makers in the sector.

According to him, "Professor Adelabu's life is a testament to the abiding faith in God either as a princess who got married to a prince or as a mother who has raised distinguished children that are here today and we are thankful for her life as an academics who rose to the zenith of her profession by becoming a Professor and as a politician who at a one point in time was the Deputy Governor of Ekiti State."

 "I commend her quest for excellence and humanity..what we are celebrating today is just a celebration of academic excellence and intellectualism".

"Since we got to the saddle in Ekiti State, Professor Adelabu is the Chair of the committee put together to help us look for the best hands to run the government. The committee that recommended those at the executive now, the same committee has just submitted the report of those that will be in boards and parastatals and that speaks to her life- a life of service and dedication to humanity."

The author of the book, Professor Adelabu who gave an insight into the book, explained that the publication was not limited to a particular region; but covers the whole country with focus on Politics and Education which are like twin brothers.

She advocated for proper education system which connotes that everyone should go back to basic learning.

Discussants at the book launch include, former Ekiti State First Lady, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, a former Minister of youths nd Sports, Mr Bolaji Abdulahi and Senator Bunmi Adetunmbi. They all called for a review of the Nation's Education policy, Universal Basic Education Act and priorities given to the enrollment of girl child at schools.