Monday, June 27, 2022


In action, Governor Kayode Fayemi with the Governor-elect Governor Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji and his Deputy Governor-elect, Mrs Monisade Afuye during the transition committee inauguration.

Ekiti State Governor, Dr.Kayode Fayemi inaugurates Transition and Advisory Council Members at the Conference Hall of Governor's Office, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, SouthWest Nigeria.

The Press Release by the Governor as below:
Monday, June 27, 2022 | Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
2. An Important Time in Our History
● Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you to this historic event, and to start by congratulating us all on the successful conclusion of the June 18, 2022 gubernatorial election.
● I am delighted that the electorate overwhelmingly voted for our great party the APC and our candidates, Mr. Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji and Chief Mrs. Monisade Afuye – now Governor-Elect and Deputy Governor-Elect respectively, to consolidate on the work we have done so far.
● Today, Ekiti kete is witnessing the commencement of proceedings towards the historic transition of power from the Kayode Fayemi administration to the Biodun Oyebanji administration – the first of its kind since the enactment of the Ekiti State (Transition) Law 2019.
Group Photograph, The Transition Committee with Gov. Kayode Fayemi 

● I would therefore not want the import of this event to be lost on us, as it is a very crucial step in the consolidation of our democracy, especially for us in Ekiti State.
3. Consolidation of Our Democracy
● Today, Ekiti State is leading the way again as a model sub-national government with the implementation of a carefully crafted law with robust provisions to ensure smooth transition of power from successive administrations of the Government of Ekiti State.
● With the Ekiti State (Transition) Law 2019, we have made sure that even in cases where there is an alternation of power between different political parties, those coming after us would be guided to ensure seamless continuity of the vision, the completion of projects, and the upholding of commitments validly entered into.
● We are pleased that our efforts would ensure that regardless of electoral outcomes, Ekiti would always win. This is also why one of the enduring legacies to be handed over to the incoming administration is the recently crafted 30-year State Development Plan - 2021 - 2050 which should serve as a critical road map to the new administration and even successive ones.
● I would therefore like to make this appeal to Ekiti Kete, that in the coming years, we all remain vigilant and cooperative to uphold this non-partisan new and better way of doing things, and the sacred tradition we are establishing today.
4. Confidence in the Incoming Administration
● Your Excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to commence this process of transition, knowing that our beloved homeland would be in safe hands. The Governor-elect, Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji would be coming to office on the back of his record as an experienced public administrator who is well-educated and well-travelled – a true homegrown son of the soil who has his fingers on the pulse of the yearnings of the people.
● He has been a central figure in my administration from 2010 – 2014, and 2018 – 2022, who deservedly shares in the credit for all we have been able to do for the good people of Ekiti state. As the former Secretary to the State Government, he shares in our records of achievement in Good Governance that has seen considerable improvements in the ease-of-doing-business, and earned us the second position in the Disbursement Linked Indicators mileage of the World Bank/FGN backed State Fiscal Transparency Accountability Sustainability (SFTAS), amongst other accolades.
● He shares in our achievements in education and the restoration of our pride of place as the intellectual hub in the country, with our free and compulsory education, building of new model colleges, improved teacher quality, regular grants-in-aid, massive investments in infrastructure and equipment, as well as the improvements in the learning environment in our schools. All these have resulted in Ekiti having the lowest rates of out-of-school children in the country, and significant improvements in percentage pass rates in common examinations.
● He has been a part of the thinking behind the long term vision to build a workforce of the future in tune with global trends and our comparative advantages in agriculture as well as science and technology which is centred around the Ekiti Knowledge Zone for which we recently received final confirmation of the AfDB Board approval. The vision has also resulted in the establishment of the Ekiti State Polytechnic, Isan-Ekiti, and the Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti as well as the growth and development of our premier university – EKSU.
● He has been a part of the infrastructural revolution in the state which has seen the completion of a number of critical roads such as Ijero - Ipoti - Iloro-Ayetoro, Igede-Awo-Osi-Ido, Otun - Osun-Iloro, Odo Owa - Oke-Ila-Osun State Boundary, Ikogosi - Ipole Iloro-Efon Alaaye, Ilawe - Erijinyan, Oye-Iye-Otun road, Ikere - Ise-Emure, Isan - Ilemeso, Iludun - Obo-Ayegunle, Aramoko-Erinjiyan-Ikogosi, Agbado-Ode-Isinbode-Omuo, New Ado-Iyin, Ilawe-Igbaraoke, Irele - Ipao - Arinkin Bridge - Kogi State Boundary, Ajolagun Bridge linking Ikere to Ijare Road - Ondo State Boundary and Ilupeju-Ire-Igbemo-Ijan, as well as the commencement of work on Ifaki - Esure - Eyio - Awo road, Itapa - Ijelu - Omu road, the Ado-Ifaki dual carraige way, Ilawe - Ikere road, Ijero - Ara - Awo road, Ikole township roads, and rehabilitation of Ado-Ekiti metropolitan roads. Equally, he has been part of the Rural Access and Agricultural Markets Projects – RAAMP.
● He has been part of the team that delivered the Oja Oba Market at Erekesan, the magnificent Obafemi Awolowo Civic and Convention Center, and arguably the largest water corporation headquarters in Nigeria, as well as a total overhaul of three major water dams in Ero, Egbe, and Ureje with the installation of power sources, main pipes, and reticulation of hundreds of kilometers of pipes to towns and villages in about ten local government of the state.
● He has also been a part of the various efforts to upgrade broadband access through the comprehensive deployment of fibre optic infrastructure both within our education quadrangle and also state wide. He has equally been a part of the team that has bern responsible for the 5 megawatt Independent Power Project currently due for completion in August 2022.
● In the health sector, he has been part of the team that facilitated our free health care programme, the rehabilitation of all the primary health facilities across the state, and the rehabilitation and equipping of our specialist and general hospitals. The Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital has witnessed phenomenal growth and more importantly earned full accreditation by the relevant authorities and he has contributed to one of the most successful stare health insurance schemes in the country with 100,000 enrolees.
● In terms of the comprehensive vision to position Ekiti as an economically viable state, he was part of the implementation of a number of successful public-private partnerships such as the Ikun Dairy Farm now being run by Promasidor Limited, and the Ire Burnt Brick which has been revamped now and being run by a competent core investor operator.
● He has been a part of the vision for the agriculture sector, which has birthed the Cargo Airport project billed to become operational by September 2022. The cargo airport is designed to plug Ekiti strategically into the global value chain and expose our farmers and processors to a global market, and create vast opportunities for our young people.
● He has been part of the team that envisioned and designed the Ekiti Knowledge Zone (EKZ) project that would make Ekiti the hub for a knowledge economy, wealth creation and application to national and global challenges.
● He was at the centre of our pioneering effort to re-engineer regional integration in Western Nigeria with the establishment of the Development Agenda for Western Nigeria Commission when he served as Commissioner for Integration and Inter-Governmental Affairs which was to later birth Amotekun - the Western Nigeria Security Network.
● He has been a part of the team that has prioritized workers’ welfare and ensured the prompt payment of salaries and pensions.
● He has been a part of the Ekiti State Security Council that understands the issues and our approach to security sector governance in the state.
● He has been as much a part of our history as a state, as he is a symbol of our hope for the future. He has an enviable pedigree as one of the members of the Committee for the Creation of Ekiti State, in which he served as the secretary at the young age of 26. He was one of those who prepared the blueprint for the takeoff of the state, and has cumulatively contributed close to 12 years in the service of the state as a Special Assistant, Chief of Staff, Commissioner, and Secretary to the State Government.
● I have found in him a conscientious public servant who is trustworthy in all his dealings, and very dependable. I owe a debt of gratitude to him for being the engine room behind all our efforts, and for his faithfulness with all that has been committed to him through the years. At this time by the grace of God, BAO / Afuye lokan, to take Ekiti to the next level.
● I am most gratified that I have found in Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji a worthy successor because there is no true success and legacy without a successor that can continue with the vision. I have known him and enjoyed a personal relationship with him as a friend, brother, colleague, and one of my most trusted allies for close to two decades.
● As my administration transitions out, I am confident that with Mr. Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji and Chief Mrs. Monisade Afuye, Ekiti is in safe hands. I have no reservations in commending him to the good people of Ekiti as a worthy successor for the Office of Governor, who would carry on with our vision, and usher Ekiti into a new season of sustainable development, peace, and prosperity.
● I ask that Ekiti Kete gives the incoming administration the same degree of support and goodwill I have enjoyed.
5. Terms of Reference are:
a. to make comprehensive arrangement to manage, the transfer of political power seamlessly;
b. to ensure the provision of State of the State briefings for the Governor- Elect during the period before his assumption of office;
c. to undertake any other function as enshrined in the Transition Law to achieve the object of this Law.
6. Thank You Ekiti
● As I conclude, I would like to thank Ekiti Kete for the support you have granted my administration over the course of my tenure and the assurance of your continued support for us to finish well and strong.
● I am confident that with the 30-year Ekiti Development plan that has been put in place, and patriotic people at the helms of our affairs, Ekiti would take her rightful place where we achieve sustainable development, peace and progress in our homeland.
● It is my pleasure to formally inaugurate the transition committee comprising very accomplished Ekiti sons and daughters in keeping with the provisions of the law, and I am confident they would justify the confidence reposed in them.
● Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, once again I thank you all for coming to this historic event, and wish you a safe and pleasant journey back to your respective destinations.
Dr. Kayode Fayemi, CON

Friday, June 24, 2022

Ekiti Government Constitutes Transition Committee, Advisory Council.

Ekiti Government Constitutes Transition Committee, Advisory Council.
Ekiti State logo

In line with the Ekiti State Transition Law, 2019, the State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, has approved the composition of a Transition Committee and an Advisory Council, following the election of Mr Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji as Governor-elect.

The Transition Committee. would among other tasks, study the state of affairs of the present administration, review the programmes and projects of MDAs and map out strategies for a smooth transition from the incumbent to the incoming government. The Advisory Council would address unresolved issues.

The Transition Committee and Advisory Council comprise members nominated by the state government and the Governor-elect.
Members of the Transition Committee are:
• Mr Foluso Daramola (SSG/ Chairperson)
• Mr Tolu Ibitola (Chief of Staff)
• Mr Wale Fapohunda, SAN. (AG/ Comm for Justice)
• Mr Akin Oyebode (Comm for Finance)
• Mrs Peju Babafemi (Head of Service)
• Dr (Mrs) Olabimpe Aderiye, mni
• Dr Oyebanji Filani
• Mr O’seun Odewale
• Mrs Margaret Fagboyo
• Prof Bolaji Aluko
• Senator Olubunmi Adetunmbi (Co-Chairperson)
• Mr Oluwole Ariyo
• Mr Deji Ajayi
• Senator Tony Adeniyi
• Mr Niyi Adebayo
• Engr Dipo Bamisaye
• Dr Habibat Adubiaro
• Mr Sunday Fatoba
• Prof Bisi Aina
• Mr Adejumo Feyisope

The Advisory Council members are:
• Otunba Bisi Egbeyemi (Chairperson)
• Prof Modupe Adelabu (Co-Chairperson)
• Surv. Abiodun Aluko
• Chief Jide Awe

The Committees are to turn in their reports within six weeks from the date of their inauguration.

Yinka Oyebode
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor

Ekiti Deputy Governor-elect, Chief Mrs Monisade Afuye shows appreciation to Ekiti people's.

Ekiti Deputy Governor-elect, Chief Mrs Monisade Afuye shows appreciation to Ekiti people's.       
Chief (Mrs.) Monisade Christinah Afuye 

Press Release:

“ It is worthwhile to develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens.”    
I am sincerely delighted at the support, practical demonstration of love and well wishes of all of us towards this God's own project for Ekiti called BAO and MCA.

The June 18th, 2022 Ekiti Gubernatorial Election which was adjudged  the freest and the most peaceful  in the history of Ekiti State wouldn't have been possible if not for your cooperation with the wish of Almighty God for the State.

I sincerely appreciate your resolution and determination to make Ekiti great. And in this same spirit and with your ultimate support and cooperation, Mr Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji, your son and brother and  I MCA will work together to make you proud.

I am indeed grateful to our leaders, H.E. Otunba Niyi Adebayo, CON, Honourable Minister of Industry, Trade, and Investment; H.E. Dr. Kayode Fayemi, Governor Of Ekiti State; H E Bisi Egbeyemi, Deputy Governor of Ekiti State, the Master Strategist Erelu Bisi Fayemi, the wife of our amiable Governor, HE Ambassador Eniola Ajayi, Former Deputy Governor HE Surv. Biodun Aluko and his beautiful Wife, All the Distinguished Serving present and Past  Senators, All Serving National Assembly, All Serving House of Assembly for their kind gesture towards the success of Ekiti Election.

I appreciate the leadership of Barrister Paul omotosho,the State Chairman of APC in Ekiti State, (Mr Continuity)Party EXCOS, Members of Ekiti State working Committee and all our leaders and members across the Sixteen local Governments.
Mr workaholic Director-General of BAO and MCA Campaign Organisation, Mr. Cyril Fasuyi /Chief Mrs Oluremi Ajayi aka Babington, the DG Women Campaign team and all members of the campaign team, your labour of love is unquantifiable on this project.

The National Women Leaders, both past and present,the South West Zonal Women Leader and all the State Women leaders, I say thank you, I appreciate you.

I am also highly grateful to all the leaders in Ikere, especially the Chairman and Secretary of the Campaign team in Ikere Mr Bimbo Ogundipe and Hon. Victor Adeniyi, the two Council Chairmen, our Women Groups, from Ikere Ekiti to the ward level, Volunteers, Support Groups, Youth Organisations, Civil Servants, Civil Society Organisations, Students, Entrepreneurs and Non- Indigene Groups.

My gratitude also goes to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for living up to the expectations and the Security Agencies for maintaining peace before, during and after the elections.

My humble gratitude also goes to our understandable and respectable Traditional Rulers and Leaders of Faiths for their prayers, intercessions and spiritual guidance.

The iyaloja's and all the Iyalaje's across the State,I really appreciate you.

Thank you Media workers and Observers for maintaining the ethics of your professions and callings.

I also want to thank my family,  my loving husband, Mr Lawrence Ade Afuye, My Mother, Royal families, my siblings and my children for standing by me day and night for allowing me to offer myself for this golden opportunity.

Special appreciation to the family of the Governor Elect,  Mr. Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji and his beautiful darling wife, Dr. Olayemi Oyebanji for their love and acceptance and his Perm Sec Alhaji Tajudeen Adejumo.

At this juncture, permit me to say that a team is like a toolset, not one tool can do all the jobs, but together it can, so let us join our hands together to work with our team in the day-to-day running of our dear Ekiti State and for the well-being of our people.

Let us all take Ekiti State to the greatest heights of success and promise land.

Once again, thank you all, Ekiti People and Lovers of Ekiti.

Èkìtì á gbè wá ō!

God bless Ekiti State!
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

Chief (Mrs) Monisade Christinah Afuye
Deputy Governor Elect
Ekiti State, Nigeria

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Ekiti Governor-Elect, Oyebanji on 'Thank You Visit' to Ewi.

Ekiti Governor-Elect, Oyebanji on 'Thank You Visit' to Ewi.
...assures Ekiti people of good governance 
Ekiti State Governor-Elect, Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji, on Thursday, paid a 'thank you' visit to the Ewi of Ado Ekiti, HRM, Oba Adeyemo Adejugbe , following his victory at the polls in the just concluded governorship election. 

Oyebanji, who led some leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC), to the palace of the respected traditional ruler, said the purpose of the visit  was to express his appreciation to the monarch and other traditional rulers, for their support and the fatherly role they played prior to the election to avert crisis. 

Specifically,  Oyebanji described Oba Adejugbe as a father, who has always shown interest in his career trajectory since their first meeting in the 90s during the agitation for creation of Ekiti State.

The Governor-Elect described the traditional institution as an important stakeholder in Ekiti that should not be toyed with by anybody, adding that the institution would be strengthened under him. 
"My visit to the palace today is to appreciate our father for his support for me over the years. At a time when most elders would have dismissed a young man like me, Oba Adejugbe embraced me with both hands and gave me opportunity to fly. That singular opportunity equipped me very well and prepared me for the other roles I played in Ekiti.

" Beyond his position as traditional ruler, Oba Adejugbe  put all he had into the struggle for the creation of Ekiti State for us to get the expected result. Again, thank you Kabiyesi.

"Also, I want to use our father as a contact point to other traditional rulers for their stabilizing roles during the campaign to make sure the election was conducted without any crisis in our dear state. Even though there would still be other avenues to meet the traditional rulers to show appreciation, today's meeting is necessary as a mark of honour for the traditional institution,"

Speaking further, Oyebanji assured Oba Adejugbe, the Ewi-in-council and the market women present of good governance that would transform Ekiti State. 

"I appreciate all for trusting me with their votes on Saturday and I stand here today assuring Ekiti people that I will not disappoint them. I will sustain the legacy of my predecessors as well as building on it to bring further development to our dear state,"

Responding, Oba Adejugbe commended the Governor-elect for thoughtfulness and prayed that God would endow him with wisdom and knowledge needed to succeed in office.

Raheem Akingbolu
Media Assistant

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Ekiti Governor-elect, Oyebanji Receives INEC's Certificate Of Return.

Ekiti Governor-elect, Oyebanji Receives INEC's Certificate Of Return.                              ...promises to implement all his six- point agenda's 

In action, Ekiti State Governor-elect, His Excellency Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji with his deputy Governor-elect, Chief Mrs Monisade Afuye 

Governor-Elect of Ekiti State, His Excellency Biodun Abayomi Oyebanji acknowledging cheers from the Ekiti people after given the certificate of Return by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) at INEC office, New Iyin Road, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, South West Nigeria on Wednesday, June 22,2022.

The event was witnessed by the Ekiti State First Lady, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, Speaker Ekiti State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Funminiyi Afuye, wife of the Governor- elect, Dr Olayemi Oyebanji, husband of the Deputy Governor-elect, Mr Afuye; former deputy Governor Surveyor Abiodun Aluko, Ekiti APC Chairman, Barr Paul Omotosho, and party leaders.

Hon. Biodun Oyebanji Abayomi seen in action signed the INEC return certificate 

Mr Fatoba Oluwole who won the bye- election to fill the vacant Sliti East Constituency 1 seat in the State’s House of Assembly was also presented his Certificate of Return to the newly elected at the brief but colourful event.

The INEC National Commissioner in charge of Ekiti, Oyo and Lagos States, Mr Sam Olumekun presented the certificates to them at the commission’s office, Ado Ekiti in line with the provisions of section 72(1) of the new electoral act.

In his word, Mr Oyebanji said that he would put in his best to implement the six- point agenda entrenched in his manifesto which he earlier unveiled at the onset of his campaign.

He added that the victory given to him by Ekiti people at the poll was a testament to the sterling performance of the Governor Kayode Fayemi administration, adding that it was validated by the massive votes freely given to the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the Saturday’s election.

Fact to Known about Chief Mrs. Sinatu Aduke Sanni the custodian of Olumo Rock

Source: Gossip House

Chief Mrs. Sinatu Aduke Sanni

🌼Fact About Iya Olumo: Chief Mrs. Sinatu Aduke Sanni, widely known as ‘Iya Olumo,’ was the custodian of the god inside the famed Olumo Rock in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

Sanni, also known as the tourism center’s mother goddess, died on Wednesday at the age of 137, according to reports.

Her son, Solomon Adio, confirmed her death, saying his mother died after a brief illness at her Itoko home in Abeokuta.

Olumo Rock, according to legend, was used as a natural stronghold during a long-ago inter-tribal fight.

According to legend, the Egbas became invisible to their attackers after hiding within the rock, and their adversaries sought everywhere for them in order to kill them.

Entrance Of Olumo Rock Tourist Complex 

Since then, the Olumo Rock, which saved the Egba people from their enemies, has become a popular tourist destination in Abeokuta, the capital of Ogun State.

Sinatu Aduke Sanni has been another tourist draw for many years, since she provided unusual knowledge on the famed Olumo Rock.

She remained the center of attention as she grew older, displaying no signs of exhaustion in her work at the tourist information center.

According to her son, Adio, the doyen spent more than 40 years serving the gods of the rock in one of the enclaves beneath the rock.

“By August 5, Mama will be 138 years old.” After a brief illness, she passed away.

“She was the deity’s mother.” We’re going to miss her terribly. Mama dedicated her life to the rock, to the god. Adio explained, “She was devoted to the gods.”

The elderly woman, however, died just a few months before her 138th birthday.

Rest In Peace Iya Olumo

Brought To You By:Comr. Olamide Akinwumi James.


Monday, June 20, 2022


Source: Gossip House
The name “Ijebu-Ode”, according to history, is a com­bination of the names of two persons namely, AJEBU and OLODE who were conspicuous as leaders of the original settlers and founders of the town. OLODE, was said to be a relative of OLU-IWA, the first Ruler of Ijebu. It is diffi­cult to say for certain which of them {AJEBU and OLODE} preceded the other, but tradition has it that Ajebu, Olode and Ajana met on this land, which was uninhabited dense forest. They consulted Ifa Oracle to determine the actual spot on which each one should make his place of abode.. The Oracle directed that Ajebu should go and settle on a spot now known as IMEPE. 

OLODE and AJANA to remain together at a place known today as ITA AJANA.The grave of Ajebu is still marked by a tomb erected by his descendants at Imepe, near Oyingbo market on the Ejinrin Road. Olode's grave is also marked at Olode Street at Ita Ajana Quarter, Ijebu-Ode. The two persons more conspicu­ous among the original settlers being AJEBU and OLODE.The town derived its name from their names, hence "IJEBU-ODE."
Ijebu-Ode town was divided into two main wards namely, Iwade and Porogun. Iwade was divided into two -- Iwade Oke (also called Ijasi) and Iwade Isale; that is, Upper and Lower Iwade (North and South). By this division, there are three wards in Ijebu-Ode town.That was why the town was spoken of as "Iwade - Porogun, ljasi, Keta" unto this day: Iwade oke, lwade Isale and Porogun. Each . Ward was divided into QUARTERS known as "Ituns.” Iwade Oke has four quarters (Ituns); Iwade Isale has thirteen Ouarters (Ituns) and Porogun has eight Quarters (Ituns), making a total of twenty-five (25) Quarters. 

Each Quarter had its own Quarter Head, who was known as 'Oloritun" - the head man of the Quarter. All of them combined were spoken of, or referred to, as the 'Oloritun Medogbon" (twenty-five Olorituns-- Quarter Heads) and they constituted the ancient and traditional IJEBU-ODE TOWN COUNCIL.
Each Quarter Head represents and expresses the views of the people of his Quarter with whom he holds regular meetings to discuss matters affecting general pub­lic interest. The meetings also serve as tribunals in settling minor civil matters.
The traditional twenty-five Quarters of I Ijebu-ode are: 

Ljasi, Ita Ntebo, Odo Egbo, Ita Afin 

Idomowo, Lyanro, Idele, Ijada, Ipamuren, Ikanigbo, lsoku, Odo Esa, jAgunsebi, Imupa, Ita Ajana

Idewon, Mobayegun, Mobegelu, Ltalapo, ldogi, Isasa, Idomowo, Muja, Ojofa

* The Orimolusi of Ijebu-Ode
* The Ebunmawe of Ago-Iwoye
* The Limeri of Awa
* The Alaporu of Ilaporu
* The Oloru of Oru-Ijebu
* The Sopenlukale of Oke Sopen
* The Bejeroku of Oke-Agbo
* The Olokine of Ojowo
* The Keegbo of Atikori
* The Abija Parako of Japara

1. Chief Obafemi Awolowo was the first individual in the modern era to be named Leader of the Yorubas (Asiwaju Omo Oodua)

2. The richest black woman in the world, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija, is an Ijebu woman from Ikorodu, Lagos (waterside Ijebu).

3. Ijebu man was the first Nigerian to play in the English premier league in the early 60s.

4. Ijebu people are famous for Egungun, Agemo, jigbo, Ileya festivals etc.

5. The first people to invent money made from cowry shells, later made Coins called “PANDORO”, which became acceptable through Africa and Europe.

6. Mike Adenuga, an Ijebu man from Ijebu-Igbo, was the first Nigerian to single-handedly own Oil, Mining and Telecommunication (GLO).

7. Ijebu man, late Haruna Ishola, was the first musician to perform outside the shores of Nigeria.

8. Ijebu men, Chief S. O. Shonibare & Chief Shakirudeen Olarewaju Kazeem (Shokas) were the first Nigerians to own private individual housing estates (called Shonibare estate in Lagos. And Shokas Estate/Bobagunwa Castle) of about 40 mansions in Ijebu-Igbo.

9. Ijebu has produced so many musical icons like Haruna Ishola (Ijebu-Igbo), Y.K. Ajadi (Ijebu-Igbo), Popular Jingo (Ijebu-Igbo), Batuli Alake (Ijebu-Igbo), Wasiu Ayinde Marshal, K1 (Ijebu-Ode), Adewale Ayuba (Ikenne), Musiliu Haruna Ishola (Ijebu-Igbo), Kolade Onanuga (Ijebu-Ode), Salawa Abeni (Ijebu-Ode), Wale Thomson (Ijebu-Igbo), etc.

10. The first black man to publish an indigenous Bible with dictionary and concordance was an Ijebu man (Rev. Dr Basil Kayode Balogun ) from Ijebu-Igbo.

11. The Doyen of Theatre, Late Chief Hubert Adedeji Ogunde, was an Ijebu man from Ososa.

12. Ijebu nation has more than 15 tertiary institutions which include OSU/OOU, TASUED, Babcock, Hallmark, South-West, Kinston (Universities), Grace, AAP, Gaposa, Oscotech, Pogil (Polytechnics), Tasce (College of Education), etc.

13. Do you know that Ijebu land (Ijagun) hosts the 1st university of education in Nigeria?

14. Do you know that Ijebu nation share one-third of entire Lagos state starting from Ikorodu to Ketu, Somolu, Palmgrove, Oshodi, Yaba, Epe, Ikeja, etc.?

15. Also, do you know that the Itshekiris (Delta state of Nigeria) are Ijebus?

16. Ijebu is the only tribe in Nigeria that has its origin from the Biblical days.

17. According to the Biblical account; the Jebusites were a Canaanite tribe who inhabited and built Jerusalem before its conquest by King David.

18. Ijebu was the first indigenous Clerk to the European Missionaries.

What a great Nation!
* The Regional capital is Ijebu Ode!!
* The Commercial capital is Sagamu!!!
* The Spiritual capital is Ijebu Igbo!!!!

Lastly, The Paramount ruler & Awujale of Ijebu land is the longest-reigning traditional ruler in the history of Nigeria—-62 years…(and still counting)?

Brought To By: Comr. Olamide Akinwumi James.