Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Tinubu Re-Tooling Nigeria, However on a Slow and Steady Pace: Omoluabi Group Appeal to Nigerians for More Patience.

Tinubu Re-Tooling Nigeria, However on a Slow and Steady Pace: Omoluabi Group Appeal to Nigerians for More Patience.

The atmosphere in Nigeria is highly over pressured. It is no longer at ease as the people are bittered with the high rising cost of living that has caused serious economic hardship. This is absolutely contrary to expectations of Nigerians who accepted to vote for the renewed hope agenda that was the slogan for the ruling APC party and Mr. President during the 2023 presidential election 

Today, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is fully in-charge while the people have their hopes high and expectant of the benefits of democracy under a civilized, experiences, highly exposed and a finance expert who is adjudged to have seen it all. Omoluabi Group will not deny playing a part in the emergence of PBAT and the dired interest we showed in the making of the unprecented history of canvassing for a man whom we believed and still believe in his capacity, competence and leadership prowress. 

However slow it may look, we still hold on to our convictions that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is on a mission to re- tool and re- jig the decades of economic wreck that have faced this country in ages or years past. Bola Ahmed Tinubu' s policies are of a medium to long term benefits which will be advantageous at the long run. 

The immediate benefits have become the worries of Nigerians. Devoid of ethnic bigotry and discrimination, every nigerians now expects that a better Nigeria should be at sight as we collectively pay the price for a Nigeria where the poor should be allowed to breathe. The many expectations  of Nigerians from the President  are not too big a yearning to demand from the man seen to be emblem of hope. 

Omoluabi Group appeal to Nigerians to exercise more patience to give the present Federal Government under the watch of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu more times to deliver the dividends of democracy as promised. He is at least less than a year in office and still have two more years timeline to showcase his competence and proper understanding of government runnings. As a group, we shall not shy away from speaking hard truth to government at all levels. We passionately appeal to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to expedite actions in improving on the socio- economic development and advancement of the nation. Most importantly is the general well-being of nigerians which include promulgating policies that will help nigerians get a better life worthy of living. Some of the immediate expectations of nigerians include, price control for all commodities in the market through compulsory regulations at government  own prices, reduced pump price of petrol by speeding up the completion and take off of  refurbished refineries, empowering small and medium scale enterprises, restructuring the entire nigerian system which requires to be re-tooled and re-engineered. 

Granting Local Government autonomy is also a step in the right direction which will further bring government closer to the people. Governors in the 36 states of the federation should be made to allow local government administrators to function effectively like the state government. These and many more are the numerous expectations of Nigerians from Mr. President.

Omoluabi group cautions that Mr. President should develop listening ears and put on the right thinking cap that is required to reposition the country in all spheres. 

Nigerians are in high hope and deserve to get a better treatment for their votes.
Time and tide waits for no man as the clock ticks by the day.

Think Omoluabi !
Act Omoluabi !!

E- Signed:
Alex Akinfolarin
National Secretary

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