Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Zero Tolerance for Corruption Will Revive Nation's Economy: Omoluabi Group Begs Tinubu to Fight Perpetrators.

Zero Tolerance for Corruption Will Revive Nation's Economy: Omoluabi Group Begs Tinubu to Fight Perpetrators.

Omoluabi Team Alliance Socio-cultural and Political Group(aka Egbe Omoluabi) has expressed disappointment in the cases of corruption reported in the last few days being perpetrated by political appointees under the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led Federal Government. These allegations ranges from misappropriation of public funds, diversion of funds, allocation of funds to unknown contractors with fake identities and many more. This is similar to other cases of corruption charges against key players and stakeholders who served under the immediate past president, Muhammud  Buhari led administration. 

The group observed that major culprits in corruption cases in recent times has been linked to the Ministry of Humanitarian Services and Disaster Management. First it was Mrs. Sadia Farouq, now it is the case of Betta Edu who were both saddled with the responsibility of Ministers to this important Ministry. 

This we condemn in totality and should not be treated with levity or swept under the carpet. Nigerians have tolerated enough and paid so much price by showing understanding and exercised patience  in the face of harsh economic situations. Benefits in the form of money, food and other empowerment/relieve materials meant for Nigerians are only being read on the pages of newspaper but don't really get to Nigerians who really need these benefits.

Omoluabi Group appreciate President Tinubu for his readiness and preparedness to show zero tolerance for corruption especially among political appointees he has appointed to work with him in achieving his renewed hope agenda promised. We have confidence in Mr. President that he will deal decisively with all perpetrators of this heinous act which is presently causing his administration a monumental embarrassment. The group gives kudos to the President for adopting the monthly performance assessment for all  ministers serving under his administration. This is appropriate to check and assess the performance status of the various Ministries.

We hereby appeal to Nigerians to continue to provide the required moral support for the President and  offer him their prayers as he provide leadership style that will serve as a standard  and template for other successive government to emulate.

This emerging group which is fast becoming  a strong voice from the southwest, however advise the President to hire private financial investigators    to also conduct independent investigations on all MDAs" under his watch as this will help a lot in checking the perpetration of financial scandals in public and government parastatals.

Corruption and financial crimes  is a crime against the people, God and States.

Jayeola, AO
National Convener

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