Saturday, January 13, 2024

Taiwan ruling party wins presidential election despite China’s threat.

Taiwan ruling party wins presidential election despite China’s threat.

Taiwan ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Mr. William Lai Ching-te was yesterday declared winner of the island nation’s presidential election despite China‘s threat.
Lai’s closest rival, Hou Yu-ih of the main opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP)conceded defeat before the declaration of final result yesterday.

Lai had been labelled a troublemaker by China, which warned people against voting for him. KMT had promised better ties with Beijing and peace in the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan is a democratic island of 23 million people that governs itself – but it is claimed by mainland China.

About 113 legislative seats were also contested yesterday.

Taiwan, officially known as the Republic of China (ROC), is an island separated from China by the Taiwan Strait. It has been governed independently of mainland China, officially the People’s Republic of China (PRC), since 1949. The PRC views the island as a renegade province and vows to eventually “unify” Taiwan with the mainland.

Representative and Chief of Taiwan Trade Mission in Nigeria Mr. Andy Yih-Ping Liu declared that the election showed the resilience of Taiwanese despite China’s military threat.

He added: “Despite ongoing pressure from Chinese regime, we are determined to defend our way of lives and our democracy with an independent judiciary and the free press.

“Moreover, Taiwan’s democratic resilience has been further strengthened by its international alliances and support. Despite facing diplomatic isolation due to China’s pressure, Taiwan has successfully cultivated close ties with like-minded democracies such as the United States, Japan, European, Latin American and other Asian countries. These alliances serve as a testament to Taiwan’s commitment and achievements in democratic governance.

“As a shining example of democracy in East Asia, Taiwan’s ability to sustain its democratic resilience serves as an inspiration and a testament to the enduring power of democracy. This is simply an echo of what Nigerian citizens have achieved in West Africa as the role model of democracy.”

Taiwan has also been a key flashpoint in the tussle for power between the United States and its allies on one part and China in the region.

China People’s Liberation Army increased pressure on the island over the last few years with a record number of incursions.

On Friday, the PLA said it would “smash” any Taiwan independence “plots” and that it “remains on high alert at all times”. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office also warned voters in Taiwan to make the “right choice”, claiming that Lai would further promote separatist activities if he were elected.

The Biden administration doubled down on its support for Taiwan’s democratic process ahead of the presidential election.

Tensions between China and Taiwan in the 1950s resulted in armed conflict over strategic islands in the Taiwan Strait.

On two separate occasions during the 1950s, the PRC bombed the islands. The United States responded by actively intervening on behalf of Taiwan.

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