Monday, January 1, 2024

2024: Lawan seeks support for Tinubu, says Nigeria on threshold of possibilities.

2024: Lawan seeks support for Tinubu, says Nigeria on threshold of possibilities.

Former Senate president, Ahmad Lawan, has called on Nigerians to support the policies of President Bola Tinubu’s administration in the new year.
Lawan, in his New Year message on Monday, January 1, said that Nigeria is on the threshold of possibilities with the coming of the new year.

He called on Nigerians to embrace opportunities, as well as challenges with courage and determination.

The former Senate president underscored the need to support President Bola Tinubu’s administration and his policies, adding that the federal government is focused on creating a prosperous and just society for Nigerians.

Lawan said: “As we welcome the New Year 2024, our great country stands on the threshold of immense possibilities. It is a time for reflection, renewal, and renewed commitment to the values that make Nigeria the giant of Africa.

“The past year has been a challenging one for our nation, with security issues, economic difficulties, and other trials testing our resolve. However, we have emerged stronger and more resilient, united by our shared aspiration for a better future for ourselves, our children, and generations to come.

“As we embark on this new chapter in our nation’s history, I want to take this opportunity to underscore the need to support our government and the policies of the President Bola Tinubu administration.

“Unity and cooperation are the cornerstones of progress. When we stand together as a nation, we can achieve great things.

“The President Bola Tinubu administration is committed to building a better future for all Nigerians. His policies are geared towards economic growth, job creation, security, and unity. These policies are not merely words on paper; they are concrete steps towards creating a more prosperous and just society.

“To make these policies a reality, the President needs the collective support of every Nigerian. We need to join hands and work together to create a conducive environment for progress. We need to embrace unity, tolerance, and understanding, setting aside differences that may divide us.

“Let us put aside partisan politics and personal interests and work towards the common goal of nation-building. Let us support our President and his administration as they implement policies aimed at improving our lives and the lives of our children. The road ahead may not be easy, but together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way.

“As we begin 2024, I believe that our greatest asset is the indomitable spirit of the Nigerian people. We are known for our warmth, our creativity, and our unwavering optimism. We are a nation of problem solvers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

“This spirit of innovation and resilience has been evident in the way our people have responded to the challenges of the past year. We have seen the emergence of new businesses, the development of new technologies, and a groundswell of support for community-led initiatives.

“These are all signs that Nigeria is on the right track, a country that is on the rise. We have the potential to become a global powerhouse, a beacon of progress and prosperity for the entire African continent.

“But to achieve this potential, we must continue to work together, to set aside our differences, and to focus on the common goal of building a better Nigeria for all.

“In 2024, let us resolve to be more united, more compassionate, and more determined to make a difference. Let us work together to build a more prosperous, more just, and more peaceful Nigeria.

“As we celebrate the New Year, may we find joy and renewed hope in our hearts. May we embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead with courage and determination. And may we always remember the words of our national anthem: ‘Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey.’”

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