Friday, September 8, 2023

Hon. Ojuawo Congratulates President Bola Tinubu on his Victory.

Hon. Ojuawo Congratulates President Bola Tinubu on his Victory.
The Legislator representing the Ekiti South Federal Constituency 1, Hon. (AVM rtd) Ojuawo Rufus Adeniyi has congratulated  President Bola Ahmed Tinubu on his resounding victory at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.

Hon Ojuawo stated on behalf of his constituency, 'I join millions of Nigerians who are progressively minded and those who care about the advancement of Democracy and the development of our dear nation, irrespective of religion and tribal differences, as well as the judicial victory won on the strength of our constitution, at the Presidential  Election Petition Tribunal'.

He also felicitated with Nigerians and the entire members of the APC family in Nigeria and in diaspora on the victory. 'I am elated to congratulate our President on his victory at the tribunal'.

The Honourable member stressed further that  the victory is a double victory as he marks 100 days of exceptional leadership to Nigeria. The victory is well deserving, and proper. It reaffirms and re-validates the love Nigerians have for our dear President which they demonstrated in February 25th with the overwhelming and popular mandate they bestowed on him,

'I urged the defeated petitioners to place love for the Country above sentiments and partisan strivings, accept the tribunal's verdict with utmost equanimity, and support the President in his efforts to build a better Country. 

He gave kudos to the judiciary for being the last hope of the common man.

'We have no other Country except Nigeria and we all, irrespective of party affiliation, religion, or tribe, owe it as a duty to make our Country work',Ojuawo concluded.


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