Wednesday, March 29, 2023


....Need to call him to Order Immediately
We distinguished members of Omoluabi Team Alliance Socio- cultural group read with disdain on an online media space yesterday being Tuesday, 28th of March 2023 of resolutions passed by Pa Ayo Adebanjo in his country home, Ogun State being the outcome of an illegal meeting held in his closet with unknown members of the group on behalf of Afenifere Group. It is no more strange in the media space that Pa Ayo Adebanjo in recent times have consistently ascribe to himself the position of the National leader of the highly respected and oldest Pan Yoruba socio- cultural Group which to us as an emerging group is an attempt to polarize the group, misrepresent the group abd take over the National leadership position illegally from the authentic National leader Pa Reuben Fasoranti.

One will wonder why an individual will want to unseat an existing National leader in the calibre of Pa Reuben Fasoranti who is known to the younger generation to have always provided the right leadership for the group since taking over as leader of a highly respected group like Afenifere. 

At this junction, Pa Ayo Adebanjo seems to be biting more than he can chew and should be cautioned for his illegal operations, unapproved roles and portfolios he is forcefully ascribing to himself. Most provoking is the long list of resolutions read in the media space which was taken in his illegal meeting which includes;

Resolution 2.01:  That Afenifere reiterate our position that the Presidential election held on the 25th of February 2023 was characterized  by all forms of primitive manipulations and non compliance with the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Electoral Act 2022 and the Guidelines and Regulations made in pursuant thereto with concomitant legislative force.

Resolution 2.02:  Reiterate that the results of the lawful votes at the Presidential election available to the Afenifere through credible sources confirm that Peter Obi, the Presidential candidate of the Labour Party, won the said election and we thus support his decision challenging the contrary declaration by the INEC. (Quote and unquote).

These resolutions further portray Pa Ayo Adebanjo and his co- horts  as confused people with a misplaced priority. His description of the Presidential election held on the 25th of February 2023 as being characterized by all forms of primitive manipulations and non- compliance with the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria  is totally condemnable and a statement unexpected from a man  who claims to have fought for the nascent democracy which has come to stay in our country. It baffles us to think that someone of his calibre will make statements that rubbishes a very free, fair and credible election that stands acceptable to Nigerians who all went out to exercise their franchise willingly without any financial inducement. It is unacceptable that a few people  or an individual use their selfish interest condemn theboutcome of an election that produced a competent, credible, trusted, tested, experienced and a fully prepared President - Elect like the calibre of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to whom Nigerians have given the baton to provide a leadership's style that will help re- fix the country in all sectors beginning from May 29th, 2023.

Pa Adebanjo is aggrieved and his grievances are linked to his loosing his own ward and polling unit to the President - Elect as against his anointed candidate Peter Obi of the Labour Party. The drama was the case of a lone dancer who plays the trumpet and also dance all alone simultaneously with no applaud from onlookers. He danced alone, walked alone but ended standing alone on the losers end. 
What a show of shame !  

On the other hand his claim that results of the Presidential election available to him and his concorted  group from claimed credible sources that Peter Obi of the Labour Party won the election calls for questioning. Has he,  Pa Ayo Adebanjo ascribe to himself the position of the INEC chairman again? Or was he an Adhoc staff of INEC or had self-hired observers on the field to cover the entire electioneering process? They probably must have misinformed him with the correct digits. What credible sources could be available apart from the results available in the server and database of INEC that was finally declared? 
It has become clear that his body language and actions speaks vexation and jealousy against the person and eventual emergence of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu but what can a mortal man do when God has approved? Absolutely nothing.

We deem it fit to challenge the credence of Pa Ayo Adebanjo that he should come to the public and deny available facts and information at our disposal that he collected millions of naira  from Mazi Peter Obi of the Labour Party prior to his endorsement of the Anambra man as his preferred candidate and  that he Peter Obi has consistently placed him Ayo Adebanjo on monthly stipends for survival before, during and even after the election not minding the implications of such unholy and ungodly rapor with Obi  at the expense of trading away the collective interest and agenda of the southwest for a peanut. An act we condemn in totality.

The question that bothers most of us and the Yoruba people, young and old is that :

Is Pa Ayo Adebanjo truly an Afenifere?

Does he really represent the interest of the Yorubas?

Does he possess the credence, the right character, goodwill and the right to speak and release press statements on behalf of the yoruba people? 
Absolutely a Capital NO.

He has lost focus, he is completely derailed and fall of track with  a mission to mislead our people against our collective interest, agenda, mission and pursuit. Hence, he should be called to order immediately and rebuked by all.

By tradition and hierarchy, within the ranks and file of the Afenifere Group, Pa Reuben Fasoranti remains the authentic National leader of Afenifere. He is the only one who is served with the responsibility of calling for any meeting of the group as long as he lives. By providence he is the man whom the Yoruba nation wants to hear from henceforth. Pa Reuben Fasoranti is an epitome of wisdom, he got the native intelligence, integrity personified and will not betray a collective agenda that negates the interest of the entire southwest.  These qualities he has always displayed ages long which manifested in his decision to mobilize the southwest and Afenifere under his watch to work together in bringing back the lost glory of the southwest since MKO 1993(Hope 93) and Olusegun Obasanjo(1999) which brought us less dividends of democracy as a region. Pa Reuben Fasoranti at his age exercised his voting right and mobilized all in his domain to do same. He won his Polling unit, Ward, State and the entire region for the victory of Asiwaju.
In the light of this we Omoluabi group will react passionately in defend of   any attempt planned to undermine and rubbish the personality of this national figure we are all proud of.
It becomes germane to seek for clarity and critically examine the man Pa Ayo Adebanjo and the reasons for this display of characters that tends to portray him as either Afenifere or Afenifebi. His inordinate ambition to become the National Leader of Afenifere pre- maturely deserve the following questions begging for answer from right thinking Omoluabis':

1. Is he the incumbent national leader of Afenifere when there is an authentic and recognized leader, Pa Reuben Fasoranti?

2. Is he nursing a parallel Afenifere group operating in Ogun State against the larger Afenifere Group that cuts across the Yoruba land?

3.What are other prominent leaders within Afenifere doing to checkmate the excesses and illegality of a concorted Afenifere under Pa Ayo Adebanjo?

4.Is he not doing damage to Afenifere group in the name of self principle and ideology that brought him failure?

5.Why is he really against the  victory of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu as President - Elect? Is he not already a mole in the southwest and trying to thwart a southwest agenda for his personal gain?

6.What qualifies him to speak for the southwest and the Yoruba nation at this time? 

7.Who are those in attendance of such illegal meeting held back door in the closet of Pa Ayo Adebanjo with such provocative and unacceptable resolutions?

These questions definitely have answers but it becomes a matter of urgency and utmost importance to call Pa Ayo Adebanjo to order and be rebuked openly for his public actions which are grossly anti- southwest and does not conform with the tenets and traits of an Afenifere properly called.
Hence, We enjoin members of the public and right thinking indigenes of Yoruba land and the southwest ignore in totality resolutions arising from illegal meetings premised on selfish interest.

 E -Signed:
 Omoluabi Jayeola, A.O. 
 National Convener& Leader

 Omoluabi Akinfolarin Alex
 National Secretary

Comr. Olamide Akinwumi James 
Media Publicity Secretary 
 29/03/2023@11:50 AM

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