Thursday, December 30, 2021

Gov. Fayemi fulfils pledge to Ekiti sports medalists, spices up their new year celebrations with financial rewards 
All the athletes who won medals for Ekiti at the last National Sports Festival in Edo state today heaved a sigh of relief as each of them got cheques from the Ekiti state government as rewards for their performaces.

It was a big relief for the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development and the Sports Council that had hitherto been calming the nerves of the athletes since the governor pledged to financially reward them for being worthy ambassadors of the state through Sports.

Some of the athletes said the financial rewards had come at the best time when they could achieve something meaningful prior to the new year 2022.

The Commissioner for Youth and Sports Development, Hon. Micheal Awopetu who supervised the distribution of the cheques to the athletes in the presence of their coaches and other officials congratulated them for being counted of the rewards.

Hon. Awopetu also commended the state governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi for making good his promise despite the current turbulent economic downturn in the country and beyond.

He noted that the kind gesture of the governor was a morale booster with an assurance that the state athletes would not let down the state in subsequent sporting competitions.

The Sports Commissioner also expressed delight at the initiative of the Sports Council Management headed by Hon. Olusola Osetoba and the  General Manager of the Sports Council, Mr Adekunle Adeyemi towards exploring and nurturing talents from the nooks and crannies of the state that could represent the state in future national sporting competitions. 

In his speech , the General Manager, Mr Adekunle Adeyemi who could not hide his joy was full of praises for the state governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi on the fulfilment of his promises to reward the outstanding athletes.

He assured that the management of the Sports Council will continue to strive towards ensuring impressive representation at all national and international sporting competitions.

On behalf of the athletes, a gymnast, Similoluwa Akingbasote thanked governor Fayemi for the financial rewards with a promise that the state athletes would not relent at being worthy ambassadors of the state through Sports.

The recipients of the financial rewards included all the gold, silver and bronze medalists at the 2020 National Sports Festival in Edo state, the two Ekiti athletes who won a gold and a  bronze at the World Under 20 Athletics Championship in Kenya as well some other major national sporting competitions in 2021.

Gold medalists got 300k,silver medalists got 250k and 200k went to bronze medalists while their coaches and organizing secretaries were not left out of the goodies courtesy of Ekiti state government.

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