Sunday, October 1, 2023

Fayemi preaches peace, unity, and resilience on Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Anniversary.

Fayemi preaches peace, unity, and resilience on Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Anniversary.
In a heartfelt message on Nigeria’s 63rd anniversary, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, the former Governor of Ekiti State and Chairman of the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) has called on Nigerians to keep hope alive and see the current challenges as necessary sacrifices for the emergence of a truly great nation.
In a message signed by Mallam Ahmad Sajoh, head of the Fayemi Media Office in Abuja, Fayemi said the Independence anniversary provides an opportunity to renew hope and belief in Nigeria, confident that the country will soon deliver on the promises of its founding fathers. 

Excerpts from the statement

The independence anniversary serves as an occasion to reflect on our journey as a nation, acknowledging the challenges we have faced, the progress we have made, and the resilience that defines us as Nigerians.

Our country has come a long way since its independence in 1960. We have overcome many challenges and have achieved many successes. We have made significant progress in education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.

However, we are still faced with many serious challenges. We need to continue to work hard to address poverty, inequality, and insecurity. We also need to do more to create jobs for our young people and to build a more prosperous and inclusive nation for all.

It is crucial to recognize that the path to progress is not without its hurdles, but let us view these challenges as necessary sacrifices toward a brighter future. With unity, determination, and hard work, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

On this special day, let us renew our dedication to building a Nigeria that we can all be proud of—a Nigeria that offers equal opportunities to all citizens, irrespective of their background, a Nigeria that is a shining light of hope and progress on the African continent.

I urge all Nigerians to embrace the spirit of unity, tolerance, and cooperation as we move forward.

As we celebrate this year's Independence Anniversary, I am optimistic about the future of Nigeria. I believe working together we can overcome all our challenges and build a better future for our country.

I wish all Nigerians happy 63rd-anniversary celebrations. 

Mallam Ahmad Sajoh,
Head, Fayemi Media Office, Abuja
October 1, 2023

Independence Day: Aribasoye tasks Nigerians on perseverance, unity and prayers for country.

Independence Day: Aribasoye tasks Nigerians on perseverance, unity and prayers for country. 
The Speaker of the Ekiti State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Adeoye Aribasoye has urged Nigerians to remain hopeful for better days and united as the country marks her 63rd Independence Day anniversary.

Aribasoye also called on Nigerians not to relent in their prayers for the country and her leaders for the entrenchment of good governance and well being of the people.
A statement by the Chairman, House Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Hon. Babatunde Oke, noted that the Speaker made the call in a message to Nigerians on the country’s 63rd Independence Anniversary and the people of the state on the state’s 27th Anniversary, pointing that Nigeria has come a long way as one indivisible entity which every citizen must work to protect despite the myriad challenges facing the country.

While appealing to the Nigerian workers to embrace dialogue on the proposed industrial action, he said the government is on the verge of fixing the country’s economy through bold reforms.

"There are however deep structural issues been addressed so that Nigeria’s economy can deliver prosperity for her people," Aribasoye said.

He noted that at a time like this, prayers and unity of purpose will help ensure the country remains indivisible, and tasked Nigerians to continue working hard to realise the mission and vision of the country’s founding fathers, who fought for the independence we are marking today.

“As we mark our country’s 63rd Independence Anniversary, we must remain steadfast, united and prayerful for our country to remain one and overcome her challenges.

He enjoined Ekiti people to support the administration of Gov. Biodun Oyebanji who he said “is trying his best to sustain Ekiti integrity and broader effort to support the state’s workforce during these hardship."

"Let me commend Ekiti people and other Nigerians for their loyalty to the country in the face of the modest successes recorded since 1960 and the developmental challenges, we should not be despaired but to remain committed to the task of charting a more progressive path for a greater future," he concluded.

Governor Biodun Oyebanji's 27th Anniversary Address: Reflecting on Ekiti's Journey and Charting Its Future.

Governor Biodun Oyebanji's 27th Anniversary Address: Reflecting on Ekiti's Journey and Charting Its Future. 

 Being the Text of the 2023 Independence Day State Broadcast by His Excellency, Mr. Biodun Oyebanji Governor of Ekiti State, Nigeria Government House| Ado-Ekiti | Sunday, October 1, 2023.

Ekiti kete, it gives me a great delight to address you on the occasion of the 63rd Independence Day celebration of our great nation and more importantly, the 27th anniversary of the creation of our dear Ekiti state. Twenty-seven years ago, during the 36th Independence Day broadcast, all Ekiti sons and daughter clang tightly to their radio and television gadgets, waiting with anxiety, to listen to that historic breaking of the news of the Federal Government's pronouncement of Ekiti as a State. 

For me, today is historic and self-fulfilling, it also brings a lot of memories, being my first State Broadcast as governor on an occasion like this. It is self-fulfilling because it gladdens my heart that providence has granted me a rare opportunity to be the Governor of the same State I was part of the movement that struggled for its creation on a day like this 27 years ago by the military administration of Gen. Sanni Abacha.

For the State Creation Committee, it was like a dream; even though the Committee had done everything to deserve the eventual announcement, yet, we were all overwhelmed with joy that the “Epic Struggle”, did not end in vain. 

It is difficult to believe that 27 solid years have thus far passed since the State was created. While everything seems like yesterday, we have abundant reasons to say indeed, the creation was justified. In terms of physical and economic development, our State has moved on progressively. Politically, the State is now an important factor in Nigeria’s political enterprise. In many aspects of Human Development Indices (HDIs), we have excelled.

Ekiti is a front-liner in education, life expectancy, access to quality healthcare services, physical infrastructure development, access to water, peace, ease-of-doing business, gender equality, social inclusion among others. Gradually and assuredly, Ekiti is building a formidable profile of a progressive and development-oriented State that is poised for inclusive prosperity for all.

Èkìtì kete, an occasion like this provides us another opportunity to pay homage to those who fought for the independence of this Great Nation and the creation of our dear State. While it will be difficult to mention them individually, for they are many, we acknowledge the individual and collective roles they played to give us a nation and a State today.

We must also acknowledge the great work done by patriots who have at one time or the other presided over the affairs of the State and gave their best for the development of Ekiti. These include His Excellency, Otunba Richard Adeniyi Adebayo, the first democratically elected Governor of the State; His Excellency, Dr John Kayode Fayemi, the immediate past Governor of the State.

Also on this list are the pioneer Military Administrator, Late Colonel Inua Bawa (rtd); Navy Capt Atanda Yusuf (rtd); His Excellency, Dr. Peter Ayodele Fayose; Late General Idowu Olurin; His Excellency, Engr Segun Oni; Rt. Hon. Tope Ademiluyi and Rt. Hon Tunji Odeyemi. 

In this world that Williams Shakespeare says is a stage, and we are all players, they have played their parts creditably well. But the business of nation building is a going concern, it is never a completed task. Each generation is faced with different challenges, and the test of their place in history, is how well they are able to courageously confront the most pressing of their contemporary challenges. Today, we are generally faced with the web of challenges of insecurity, unemployment, poverty and inequality. 

It is in response to these contemporary challenges that we came up with the six pillars of our administration’s development agenda, which primarily, is to ensure a shared prosperity for all Ekiti people. We are determined to ensure job creation and life abundance for our people. We believe in inclusive growth and collective development without leaving anyone behind. As it can be seen in our efforts so far, our Government is very focused and strategic in our development drive. We want to ensure every policy and programme is connected to the chains of Ekiti Development Plan 2021-2050 and the focal six pillars of administration to deliver the shared prosperity promise.

As an administration, we acknowledge that one of the dreams of our founders is that government is a continuum and that no administration is an island from those before it and that, development must be integrated, continual and strategic. Therefore, we see our Government as a continuation of those before us and that government projects that were ongoing or abandoned before we took over, but, which are useful to the socioeconomic development of the State, must be completed. 

For example, we have completed the Ado-Ekiti Central Bus Terminal, the Ekiti Council of Traditional Rulers’ Chamber, ten Secondary Health Facilities, major street lights, re-connection of Ekiti East, Aiyekire and some parts of Ekiti West and Ikole Local Government areas to the national grid after many years of darkness. We have also undertaken new projects such as rehabilitation of many roads in Ado-Ekiti. We are continuing with the Ikole township road, just as we are rehabilitating the Ilawe-Igede, Ado-Ilawe roads, Ikere-Ilawe, Erijiyan-Ilawe roads. We are also reconstructing the Igbara-Odo-Ikogosi road among others. More projects will be captured for execution in the ongoing budget preparation exercise.

Similarly, I am committed to the dreams of the founding fathers to utilize our abundance mineral resources for the economic development of the State. To achieve this, the State is already working with appropriate Federal Government agencies that will invest in the exploration of our God-given mineral resources. This is a major way of creating wealth, increasing internally generated revenue and realizing the shared prosperity agenda of our State.   

My word to you today, is that, the Ekiti Dream of our founding fathers remains our creedal confession and the sole mission unto which we are committed. We will not allow their dream for an egalitarian and inclusive society where fairness, probity, justice, equal opportunity and prosperity for all, is guaranteed, to fail. 

Ekiti kete, there is no doubt that times are hard now and tough for most people and government. We are nationally contending with serious macroeconomic slope which is affecting our micro-economic management capacity at sub-national and even at the individual levels. The current economic challenges is as a result of a confluence of economic issues that have spiraled into galloping inflation which has rendered income earners almost prostrate. 

While this can be traced to past policies inconsistencies, it is even more traceable to some other complex macroeconomic mishaps that have affected our foreign exchange regime. Consequently, every segment of the country is seriously affected by this challenge.

Yet, a hot pap must be sipped gently so as not to cause more damage unto an already precarious situation. Accordingly, government and labour have been in constant engagements for sometimes, I am pleased to note that the President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is confronting these challenges frontally and the country will be better for it in the long run. 

On our part, we have undertaken some interventions to cushion the impact of the subsidy removal on our people. Apart from the direct food distribution and cash transfer to the most vulnerable, Government has also made buses available to staff and students, especially in the state capital, to ameliorate the cost of transportation. We therefore appeal to our Local Governments to replicate this in their respective Local Government Areas.

Beyond this however, is that, the Federal Government has promised that there will be a wage review across board soonest. The good news is that, even, for those not earning salaries directly from government, with more money available for workers as more disposable income and more money for government to undertake critical infrastructure development, more jobs will be available and the circular flow of money will ensure that the current monetary challenges will give way to the envisaged shared prosperity.

I therefore want to appeal to the organized labour movement to exercise absolute patience and dialogue in resolving the current economic challenges. We cannot afford to compound the already tensed situation by shutting down this extremely fragile economy. It will be like cutting one’s nose to spite one’s own face. Whatever may be gained thereafter will be nothing but a temporary victory which would have done an incalculable damage to the economy and which may be difficult to reverse in the immediate.

Finally, I want to congratulate all Ekiti people for the 27th anniversary of our state creation and to thank those whose toil and sweats brought it about. As we are thankful to God for how long we have gone as a people, we also need to reflect on the unity of the past that gave us the State and the need to do even far more to achieve more.

Once again, happy anniversary!

Long Live Nigeria
Long Live Ekiti State.
Biodun Oyebanji 
Governor, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Sunday, October 1, 2023 | Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

Nigeria at 63: Omoluabi Group Appeal to Nigerians to be Hopeful and Positive in Thoughts.

Nigeria at 63: Omoluabi Group Appeal to Nigerians to be Hopeful and Positive in Thoughts.
A popular socio- cultural and political group known as Omoluabi Team Alliance (aka Egbe Omoluabi) has  felicitated with Nigerians on another ocassion of the country' s Independence day as the nation marks 63rd year of freedom from the winks and hooks of the british colonial masters.
The group through its' National Directorate of Media and Publicity, Akinwunmi Olamide express gratitude to God Almighty for the peace, tranquility and calm situations that the country has enjoyed since the start of a new government under the leadership of the incumbent President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The group however note the pains and challenges Nigerians are being faced at this present time which is no doubt of serious concern to Nigerians. It is obvious that citizens level of hunger and unemployment  rate is unimaginable. Nigerians have paid so much sacrifices by showing understandings to government at all levels. 

It becomes necessary to alert  political leaders at all level including Federal, State and Local Government that Nigerians deserve more and should be made to enjoy the benefits of government especially where democratic system of government is the practice. State governments should be accountable to citizens by making available to the people all welfare packages announced and released by the federal government. Where state governors refuse to show sincerity and honesty in governance, it simply amounts to betrayal of absolute trust and simply jeopardizing the efforts of federal government.

Appealing to the Nigerian populace, the group admonishes all citizens to be hopeful and positive at all times even in the face of serious economic challenges as they are assured that this moment shall soon pass away. Nigeria remains our country and we must seek her prosperity at all times.

The group however wish Nigerians happy 63rd independence celebration with an assurance of a better Nigeria to come under the renewed hope agenda of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu(GCFR).

Think Omoluabi !!
Act Omoluabi !!!

E- Signed:
Omoluabi Jayeola Afolabi
National Convener

Omoluabi Akinwunmi Olamide.
Media and Publicity Secretary.

Incoming Chairman of Irepodun/Ifelodun in Ekiti Extends Heartfelt Independence Day Greetings to Nigerians at Home and Abroad.

Incoming Chairman of Irepodun/Ifelodun in Ekiti Extends Heartfelt Independence Day Greetings to Nigerians at Home and Abroad.

The incoming Chairman of Irepodun/Ifelodun in Ekiti State extends warm felicitations to Nigerians both at home and abroad on the occasion of Nigeria's Independence Day. In his message, he reflects on the significance of breakthrough, where enemies are conquered, barriers are dismantled, limitations are shattered, sin is vanquished, and success prevails. He extends these wishes for Nigeria, not just for October 2023 but for the future as well.

As Nigeria celebrates its Independence Day, the incoming Chairman of Irepodun/Ifelodun in Ekiti State joins the chorus of well-wishers in celebrating the nation's birthday. Drawing inspiration from the concept of breakthrough, he envisions a Nigeria where adversities are overcome and prosperity reigns supreme.

He begins his message with a heartfelt birthday wish for Nigeria, likening the nation's journey to the biblical story of Isaac's prayer for Esau, where the yoke is broken from the neck. In the same spirit, he prays for Nigeria to break free from the self-imposed yoke of bad leadership, corruption, and mismanagement of the abundant human and natural resources bestowed upon it.

The incoming Chairman expresses his hopes for a breakthrough in several critical areas, including sustainable power supply, well-maintained roads, an improved transportation system, robust economic growth, enhanced security, and the overall well-being and prosperity of Nigerian citizens.

In conclusion, he calls upon all Nigerians, both at home and abroad, to unite in the pursuit of these goals, and in doing so, to work towards a brighter future for Nigeria.

On this Independence Day, the incoming Chairman of Irepodun/Ifelodun in Ekiti State extends his warmest greetings and wishes for a breakthrough to Nigeria. He hopes that the nation will rise above its challenges and embrace a future filled with prosperity, unity, and progress.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

President Tinubu Emphasizes Reforms and Unity in Independence Day Address.

President Tinubu Emphasizes Reforms and Unity in Independence Day Address.

In a heartfelt and comprehensive address to the nation on Nigeria's 63rd Independence Anniversary, His Excellency, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, emphasized unity, progress, and reforms as the guiding principles for the future of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. President Tinubu commended the contributions of Nigeria's founding fathers and mothers, highlighting their dedication and leadership in the quest for sovereignty and independence.

See the full details below:

It is my unique honour to address you on this day, the 63rd anniversary of our nation’s independence, both as the President of our dear country and, simply, as a fellow Nigerian.

2. On this solemn yet hopeful day, let us commend our founding fathers and mothers. Without them, there would be no modern Nigeria. From the fading embers of colonialism, their activism, dedication and leadership gave life to the belief in Nigeria as a sovereign and independent nation.

3. Let us, at this very moment, affirm that as Nigerians, we are all endowed with the sacred rights and individual gifts that God has bestowed on us as a nation and as human beings. No one is greater or lesser than the other. The triumphs that Nigeria has achieved shall define us. The travails we have endured shall strengthen us. And no other nation or power on this earth shall keep us from our rightful place and destiny. This nation belongs to you, dear people. Love and cherish it as your very own. 

4. Nigeria is remarkable in its formation and essential character. We are a broad and dynamic blend of ethnic groups, religions, traditions and cultures. Yet, our bonds are intangible yet strong, invisible yet universal. We are joined by a common thirst for peace and progress, by the common dream of prosperity and harmony and by the unifying ideals of tolerance and justice.

5. Forging a nation based on the fair application of these noble principles to a diverse population has been a task of significant blessing but also serial challenge. Some people have said an independent Nigeria should never have come into existence. Some have said that our country would be torn apart. They are forever mistaken. Here, our nation stands and here we shall remain.

6. This year, we passed a significant milestone in our journey to a better Nigeria. By democratically electing a 7th consecutive civilian government, Nigeria has proven that commitment to democracy and the rule of law remains our guiding light.

7. At my inauguration, I made important promises about how I would govern this great nation. Among those promises, were pledges to reshape and modernize our economy and to secure the lives, liberty and property of the people.

8. I said that bold reforms were necessary to place our nation on the path of prosperity and growth. On that occasion, I announced the end of the fuel subsidy. 

9. I am attuned to the hardships that have come. I have a heart that feels and eyes that see. I wish to explain to you why we must endure this trying moment. Those who sought to perpetuate the fuel subsidy and broken foreign exchange policies are people who would build their family mansion in the middle of a swamp. I am different. I am not a man to erect our national home on a foundation of mud. To endure, our home must be constructed on safe and pleasant ground.

10. Reform may be painful, but it is what greatness and the future require. We now carry the costs of reaching a future Nigeria where the abundance and fruits of the nation are fairly shared among all, not hoarded by a select and greedy few. A Nigeria where hunger, poverty and hardship are pushed into the shadows of an ever fading past.

11. There is no joy in seeing the people of this nation shoulder burdens that should have been shed years ago. I wish today’s difficulties did not exist. But we must endure if we are to reach the good side of our future.

12. My government is doing all that it can to ease the load. I will now outline the path we are taking to relieve the stress on our families and households.  

13. We have embarked on several public sector reforms to stabilize the economy, direct fiscal and monetary policy to fight inflation, encourage production, ensure the security of lives and property and lend more support to the poor and the vulnerable.

14. Based on our talks with labour, business and other stakeholders, we are introducing a provisional wage increment to enhance the federal minimum wage without causing undue inflation. For the next six months, the average low-grade worker shall receive an additional Twenty-Five Thousand naira per month.

15. To ensure better grassroots development, we set up an Infrastructure Support Fund for states to invest in critical areas. States have already received funds to provide relief packages against the impact of rising food and other prices.

16. Making the economy more robust by lowering transport costs will be key. In this regard, we have opened a new chapter in public transportation through the deployment of cheaper, safer Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses across the nation. These buses will operate at a fraction of current fuel prices, positively affecting transport fares.

17. New CNG conversions kits will start coming in very soon as all hands are on deck to fast track the usually lengthy procurement process. We are also setting up training facilities and workshops across the nation to train and provide new opportunities for transport operators and entrepreneurs. This is a groundbreaking moment where, as a nation, we embrace more efficient means to power our economy. In making this change, we also make history. 

18. I pledged a thorough housecleaning of the den of malfeasance the CBN had become. That housecleaning is well underway. A new leadership for the Central Bank has been constituted. Also, my special investigator will soon present his findings on past lapses and how to prevent similar reoccurrences. Henceforth, monetary policy shall be for the benefit of all and not the exclusive province of the powerful and wealthy. 

19. Wise tax policy is essential to economic fairness and development. I have inaugurated a Committee on Tax Reforms to improve the efficiency of tax administration in the country and address fiscal policies that are unfair or hinder the business environment and slow our growth.

20. To boost employment and urban incomes, we are providing investment funding for enterprises with great potential. Similarly, we are increasing investment in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

21. Commencing this month, the social safety net is being extended through the expansion of cash transfer programs to an additional 15 million vulnerable households.

22. My administration shall always accord the highest priority to the safety of the people. Inter-Service collaboration and intelligence sharing have been enhanced. Our Service Chiefs have been tasked with the vital responsibility of rebuilding the capacities of our security services.

23. Here, I salute and commend our gallant security forces for keeping us safe and securing our territorial integrity. Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice. We remember them today and their families. We shall equip our forces with the ways and means needed to perform their urgent task on behalf of the people, 

24. We shall continue to make key appointments in line with the provisions of the Constitution and with fairness toward all. Women, Youth and the physically challenged shall continue to be given due regard in these appointments.

25. May I take this opportunity to congratulate the National Assembly for its role in the quick take-off of this administration through the performance of its constitutional duties of confirmation and oversight.

26. I similarly congratulate the judiciary as a pillar of democracy and fairness.

27. I also thank members of our dynamic civil society organizations and labour unions for their dedication to Nigerian democracy. We may not always agree but I value your advice and recommendations. You are my brothers and sisters and you have my due respect.

28. Fellow compatriots, the journey ahead will not be navigated by fear or hatred. We can only achieve our better Nigeria through courage, compassion and commitment as one indivisible unit.

29. I promise that I shall remain committed and serve faithfully. I also invite all to join this enterprise to remake our beloved nation into its better self. We can do it. We must do it. We shall do it.!!!

30. I wish you all a happy 63rd Independence Anniversary.

31. Thank you for listening.

32. May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Nigeria, 22 others benefit from China access to satellite TV.

Nigeria, 22 others benefit from China access to satellite TV.
No fewer than  23 countries, including Nigeria have benefitted from the Chinese “Access to Satellite TV, The Nation learnt.

Chinese President, Xi Jinping, announced the programme at the   Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

 The initiative which is being championed by StarTimes, the leading digit-TV operator in Africa is meant to  bridge the digital divide between urban and rural areas in Africa.

According to a document by the Chinese Embassy in Abuja, the project is tagged “Access to Satellite TV for 10,000 African Villages.”

The document further revealed that “there shall be 10,112 rural villages of 23 African countries benefiting from the project. Each village is aided with two StarTimes Projector TVs, one 32 inch Digital TV set, and 20 DTH decoders with satellite dishes. Projector TVs and Digital TV sets are equipped with solar power systems and DTH access units. The Projector TVs and Digital TVs set are available in the public area of the village, like school or youth development committee, which allows all villagers to enjoy the wonderful digital TV programs of 20 channels including the national station, local channels and international channels.

“The “Access to Satellite TV for 10,000 African Villages” project has established a wide coverage of programme signals, a secure and reliable infrastructure network and a comprehensive operating system, enabling people in remote areas to have stable and long-term access to the world’s information, thus bridging the digital divide between urban and rural areas in Africa.”

Credit: The Nation Newspaper.